在7 个主题区尽情享受乐趣
踏上神奇的冒险之旅,探索船上 7 个富有想象力的主题区域,每个区域都充满身临其境的体验,将迪士尼、漫威和皮克斯的故事大规模搬上银幕。
迪士尼探索礁Disney Discovery Reef
在船后的这个宽敞的露天休息区,沉浸在《小美人鱼》、《海底总动员》、《星际宝贝》和《卢卡》的迷人水下故事中。在 Cosmic Kebabs 品尝美味佳肴。在 Bewitching Boba and Brews 品尝美味可口的珍珠奶茶。还可以探索轻松怡人的运动酒吧 Taverna Portorosso 和步行咖啡馆 Palo Café,它们的灵感均来自皮克斯电影《卢卡》中风景如画的意大利沿海村庄。这条走廊还设有 Palo Trattoria 和 Mike and Sulley’s Flavors of Asia 等高档餐厅。所有这一切以及更多的一切都坐落在令人眼花缭乱的珊瑚礁和透过玻璃天篷的柔和阳光之中。到了晚上,见证该地区变成奇妙的生物发光天堂。
旧金山东京大街 San Fransokyo Street
东京的活力与旧金山的悠闲魅力在这条受迪士尼电影《大英雄 6》启发的热闹“街道”上相遇。城市主题青少年俱乐部的秘密入口位于街上 2 家迷人的商店内 - -Edge of the Bay Café 和 Vibe Records。在街道的尽头,客人可以在电车站、缆车休息室、购物区和大白电影院 (Baymax Cinemas) 观看精彩表演,放映经典和新上映的迪士尼电影。旧金山街的亮点之一是 Big Hero Arcade,这是一个独一无二的家庭游戏休息室,提供视频游戏和身临其境的高科技体验,还有机会见到电影中唯一的大白——超凡的医疗保健伴侣机器人。
全新的冒险等待着您登上全新的迪士尼冒险号,开启神奇的 3 或 4 晚假期 — 将于 2025 年 12 月 15 日从新加坡起航。
迪士尼冒险号邮轮预定于 2024 年 12 月 10 日开始预订。定价和航行日期的详细信息将于 2024 年 11 月 14 日发布。
迪士尼冒险号邮轮预定于 2024 年 12 月 10 日开始预订。定价和航行日期的详细信息将于 2024 年 11 月 14 日发布。
在船上的神奇主题餐厅中品尝从优雅的美食之旅到定制休闲美食的一切。此外,您将在航行期间享受 3 种独特的迪士尼用餐体验,预订中包含预设时间表。
Offering three distinctly Disney dining experiences during Guest's Voyages
Offering three distinctly Disney dining experiences during Guest's Voyages
Bewitching Boba & Brews 敢于进入这家不拘一格的珍珠奶茶咖啡馆,这里装饰着霓虹灯和充满活力的波普艺术。在这里,像《小美人鱼》中的乌苏拉这样的迪士尼恶棍将他们的魅力融入到各种美味的珍珠奶茶和啤酒中。但请注意:每一口混合物都会吸引您的感官,让您完全着迷。 |
Stitch’s Ohana Grill 阿罗哈,欢迎光临受 Lilo & Stitch 启发的休闲用餐场所。犒赏自己一下经典的美式小吃,如多汁的汉堡和丰盛的三明治,所有这些都带有岛屿风味。在这个配有冲浪板和酒椰草的海滩休闲场所放松身心,同时沐浴在夏威夷北岸温暖、友好的氛围中。 |
Gramma Tala’s Kitchen 在 塔拉奶奶的厨房开启一场美食冒险之旅,这是一家温馨诱人的快餐餐厅,其灵感源自热门迪士尼电影《莫阿娜》。探索热带岛屿氛围和富有想象力的菜单,其中包含太平洋和亚洲的鲜亮风味。 |
Cosmic Kebabs 欢迎来到这家快餐店,纪念漫威女士——又名卡玛拉汗,漫威宇宙中第一位穆斯林美国超级英雄。尽情享用烤肉串、皮塔饼、塔博勒沙拉和巴巴加努什等美味主食。受到复仇者联盟超级粉丝的启发,这家餐厅坐落在纽约风格的阁楼内,装饰着色彩缤纷的图形艺术和庆祝地球上最强大英雄的纪念品! |
Wheezy 的冻结
Wheezy’s Freezies 用冰沙和软冰淇淋来消暑!受到皮克斯动画电影《玩具总动员 2》中可爱企鹅的启发,这个池畔餐厅是您早晨、中午和晚上享用美味茶点降温的最佳去处! |
Pizza Planet 在披萨星球开启一场宇宙美食冒险之旅。这家休闲户外餐厅以皮克斯动画电影《玩具总动员》中标志性的披萨拱廊为蓝本,拥有令人垂涎的风味和星际氛围。准备好带着您的味蕾踏上银河之旅吧。 |
巧妙的住宿 Artful Accommodations
礼宾皇家海景阳台套房 Concierga Royal Suite with Oceanview Verandah
舱房尺寸:约 228.60 平方米
床位安排:主卧室配有特大号床,儿童卧室配有双层床,起居区配有双人床 墙拉式床。
舱房尺寸:约 228.60 平方米
床位安排:主卧室配有特大号床,儿童卧室配有双层床,起居区配有双人床 墙拉式床。
我们最受欢迎的特等舱专为家庭打造,最多可容纳 4 位客人,并设有私人阳台,可欣赏海洋、迪士尼想象力花园或迪士尼探索礁的壮丽景色。在这个通风良好的避难所,您可以观看日出、沐浴海风、享用早晨咖啡或晚间睡前小酌。
我们的内部客舱最多可容纳 4 名客人,是喜欢冒险的朋友一起旅行的理想选择。经过一天的欢乐、阳光和冒险之后,这里是您睡个好觉、恢复活力的最佳场所。
Deluxe Inside Stateroom with Reef View 舱房尺寸:约 19.40 平方米 舱房代码:10A 最多入住人数:4 甲板楼层:11 床位安排:双人床,双人折叠沙发 |
Deluxe Inside Stateroom 舱房尺寸:约 19.40 平方米 舱房代码:10B, 10C & 10D 最多入住人数:4 甲板楼层:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 & 16 床位安排:双人床,双人折叠沙发 |
Inside Stateroom 舱房尺寸:约 13.50 - 15.30 平方米 舱房代码:11A 最多入住人数:4 甲板楼层:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 & 16 床位安排:两张单人长凳床,两张单人壁式下拉床 |
* 根据要求,设计的礼宾客舱最多可容纳 6 名客人,具体视客舱供应情况而定。
* The maximum occupancy of designed Concierge Stateroom can be up to 6 guests upon request, subject to stateroom availability.
^上图适用于 1 间可容纳 2 名客人的客舱配置 - 还提供其他可容纳 3 名客人和 4 名客人的客舱配置。
^The above image is for 1 stateroom configuration for 2 guests - other stateroom configuration for 3 guests and 4 guests are also available.
* The maximum occupancy of designed Concierge Stateroom can be up to 6 guests upon request, subject to stateroom availability.
^上图适用于 1 间可容纳 2 名客人的客舱配置 - 还提供其他可容纳 3 名客人和 4 名客人的客舱配置。
^The above image is for 1 stateroom configuration for 2 guests - other stateroom configuration for 3 guests and 4 guests are also available.
您可以在优雅的酒廊和热闹的迪士尼主题酒廊放松身心,例如 Spellbound、Taverna Portorosso、Tiana’s Bayou Lounge 和 Buccaneer Bar,供应特色咖啡、优质茶、创意无酒精鸡尾酒等
传奇娱乐 Legendary Entertainment
现场表演聚焦 Spotlight on Live Shows
漫威登陆 Marvel Landing
Iconcycle 测试运行 Iconcycle Test Run
乘坐迪士尼游轮上的首个过山车,踏上令人兴奋的旅程。它也是海上最长的过山车 - 跨度超过 820 英尺(250 米)
格鲁特银河旋转Groot Galaxy Spin
皮姆量子赛车手Pym Quantum Racers
乘坐迪士尼游轮上的首个过山车,踏上令人兴奋的旅程。它也是海上最长的过山车 - 跨度超过 820 英尺(250 米)
格鲁特银河旋转Groot Galaxy Spin
皮姆量子赛车手Pym Quantum Racers
玩具总动员广场 Toy Story Place
阳光泳池 Sunnyside Pool
伍迪和杰西的狂野幻灯片 Woody and Jessie's Wild Slides
飞碟飞溅区 Flying Saucer Splash Zone
故事飞溅垫The Story Splash Pad
幼儿可以在玩具总动员飞溅池 (Toy Story Splash Pad) 里尽情玩耍,这是一个充满玩具气息的水上游乐场,设有喷射喷射器、间歇泉和起泡器。
大银幕上的电影Movies on the Big Screen
全天在 2 个大屏幕上观看迪士尼电影、趣味问答等娱乐节目。
伍迪和杰西的狂野幻灯片 Woody and Jessie's Wild Slides
飞碟飞溅区 Flying Saucer Splash Zone
故事飞溅垫The Story Splash Pad
幼儿可以在玩具总动员飞溅池 (Toy Story Splash Pad) 里尽情玩耍,这是一个充满玩具气息的水上游乐场,设有喷射喷射器、间歇泉和起泡器。
大银幕上的电影Movies on the Big Screen
全天在 2 个大屏幕上观看迪士尼电影、趣味问答等娱乐节目。
旧金山东京大街San Fransokyo Street
大英雄街机Big Hero Arcade
受迪士尼电影《超级英雄 6》的启发,这个充满乐趣的家庭游乐场将城市的活力带入生活。召集你的朋友,探索高科技游戏“车库”:
吃点爆米花、回扣,观看迪士尼、皮克斯、漫威和卢卡斯电影公司的最新上映影片和深受喜爱的电影 - 全天放映。
青年俱乐部 Youth Clubs
探索船上隐藏在旧金山大街的城市主题青年聚会场所 Edge 和 Vibe。
受迪士尼电影《超级英雄 6》的启发,这个充满乐趣的家庭游乐场将城市的活力带入生活。召集你的朋友,探索高科技游戏“车库”:
- Hiro 训练区Hiro Training Zone:准备好享受全身体验,您的动作(如跑步、阻挡和跳跃)都会被跟踪。
- Super Fred Kaiju Chaos: 做好准备,在屏幕上的城市街道上奔跑,追捕神秘的敌人。
- GoGo Racers: 看看当您移动身体以跟上不断加快的节奏时,您能坚持多久。
- 蜂蜜柠檬化学球爆炸Honey Lemon Chem-Ball Blast: 准备好逃离火球,同时通过化学链式反应释放您内心的实验室技术。
- 芥末高速滑梯Wasabi Speed Slide: 使用激光诱导等离子刀片滑动并切割障碍物时,您会感到惊讶。
吃点爆米花、回扣,观看迪士尼、皮克斯、漫威和卢卡斯电影公司的最新上映影片和深受喜爱的电影 - 全天放映。
青年俱乐部 Youth Clubs
探索船上隐藏在旧金山大街的城市主题青年聚会场所 Edge 和 Vibe。
角色互动 Character Interactions
Spotlight 重点项目
“世界真小”托儿所 “it’s a small world” nursery
在这个异想天开的托儿中心,其灵感源自深受喜爱的迪士尼景点,6 个月至 3 岁的小孩子可以在经过专门培训的辅导员的照顾下玩耍和休息,并有特殊的迪士尼朋友来探访。
在这个异想天开的托儿中心,其灵感源自深受喜爱的迪士尼景点,6 个月至 3 岁的小孩子可以在经过专门培训的辅导员的照顾下玩耍和休息,并有特殊的迪士尼朋友来探访。
米奇和米妮船长甲板 Mickey & Minnie Captain’s Deck
迪士尼冒险号 DISNEY ADVENTURE - 甲板平面图
Note: Deck names, descriptions, key legends, deck plans, onboard activity places, restaurants, bars and other entertainment places are informational only, details may vary and subject to change without notice. Furniture arrangements or design details may vary and subject to change without notice.
Note: Deck names, descriptions, key legends, deck plans, onboard activity places, restaurants, bars and other entertainment places are informational only, details may vary and subject to change without notice. Furniture arrangements or design details may vary and subject to change without notice.
These Booking Terms and Conditions shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law and is subject to the provisions of any applicable legislation, including consumer protection legislation, that cannot be excluded by contract. Each clause and provision contained herein is severable. If any portion of these Booking Terms and Conditions shall be determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or without effect, then only such portion shall be deemed severed from the Booking Terms and Conditions and all remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.
这些预订条款和条件应受新加坡法律解释、解释和管辖。由这些预订条款和条件(包括但不限于通过 www.disneycruise.com、呼叫中心和/或通过旅行社预订)引起的、引起的或与之相关的所有索赔、争议和事项均应提交给按照本协议和游轮合同中规定的方式解决。与此预订相关的与迪士尼游轮公司的所有交易均和/或应被视为完全在新加坡境内完成,不包括所有其他国家和地区。 These Booking Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted, construed and governed by the laws of Singapore. All claims, disputes and matters whatsoever arising under, arising out of, or relating to these Booking Terms and Conditions (including, without limitation, booking via www.disneycruise.com, call centers and/or through travel agencies) shall be referred to and resolved in the manner provided for herein and in the Cruise Contract. All transactions with Disney Cruise Line related to this booking are and/or shall be deemed to be consummated entirely within Singapore to the exclusion of all other countries and territories.
所有乘客均须在预订前阅读并接受这些预订条款和条件以及游轮合同(包括但不限于通过 www.disneycruise.com、呼叫中心和/或通过旅行服务公司预订)。请仔细阅读这些预订条款和条件以及邮轮合同,因为它们包含管理您的预订和邮轮假期并影响您的合法权利的重要条款和条件。All Guests are required to read and accept these Booking Terms and Conditions and the Cruise Contract before booking (including, without limitation, booking via www.disneycruise.com, call centers and/or through travel services companies). Carefully read these Booking Terms and Conditions and the Cruise Contract, as they contain important terms and conditions that govern your reservation and cruise vacation and affect your legal rights.
The parties select English as the official/prevailing language for the Booking Terms and Conditions and the Cruise Contract, including any and all transactions and documents related thereto.
By booking a Disney Cruise Line reservation, you represent and warrant that all persons on the reservation have reviewed and accepted the Booking Terms and Conditions and the Cruise Contract. In the event of conflict between the Cruise Contract, these Booking Terms and Conditions, and the oral or written representations of any Disney Cruise Line representative or third party travel agent, the Cruise Contract shall control.
通过旅行社预订的团体旅行的取消和付款政策可能有所不同。请联系您的旅行社了解详情。Cancellation and payment policies for group travel booked through a travel agency may vary. Please contact your travel agent for specifics.
您可以通过注册并登录 www.disneycruise.com 并选择“我的迪士尼游轮”来在线填写游轮所需的表格。The forms needed for your cruise can be completed online by registering and logging into www.disneycruise.com and selecting “My Disney Cruise.”
未与父母或法定监护人同行的 18 岁以下未成年人必须由 21 岁或以上的成人陪同入住同一间客舱。未与父母或监护人一起旅行的任何未成年人的父母或监护人必须指定一名成年人对未成年人进行监护和控制,并代表他们与迪士尼邮轮假期签订合同。 迪士尼邮轮要求每位没有父母或法定监护人陪同旅行的儿童填写未成年人授权表。父母或法定监护人必须填写表格,注明适用于每个儿童的姓名,并且必须由授权成人在港口码头办理登机手续时出示该表格。您可以在在线办理登机手续时访问 www.disneycruise.com/plan 上的“我的预订控制面板”获取该表格。Minors under the age of 18 not traveling with a parent or legal guardian must be accompanied by an adult 21 years of age or older in the same stateroom. The parent or guardian of any minor not traveling with a parent or guardian must appoint an adult to have custody and control over the minor and to contract on their behalf in connection with the Disney Cruise Line vacation. DCL requires a minor authorization form to be completed for each child traveling without a parent or legal guardian. The parent or legal guardian must complete the form, naming each child it applies to, and it must be presented by the authorized adult at check-in at the port terminal. The form can be obtained during Online Check-in by visiting the My Reservations Dashboard at www.disneycruise.com/plan.
COVID-19 和其他传染性疾病
通过预订,您和预订中的所有人员均同意、理解并承认,存在接触疾病 COVID-19(根据世界卫生组织的定义及其任何毒株、变种或突变)的固有风险,并且SARS-CoV-2(可引起 COVID-19 的病毒)(统称为“COVID-19”)和任何其他传染性疾病,存在于有人出现的任何公共场所,包括游轮。任何预防措施都无法消除接触 COVID-19 的风险,并且接触风险适用于每个人。据公共卫生当局称,老年人(65 岁及以上)和患有基础疾病的任何年龄段的人因 COVID-19 患严重疾病和死亡的风险较高。您和预订中的所有人员均承认,接触 COVID-19 和任何其他传染病的风险包括接触您和/或他们中的任何人可能遇到的其他人的风险,即使您或他们没有经历或表现出任何疾病症状。By booking a reservation, you and all persons on the reservation agree, understand, and acknowledge, that an inherent risk of exposure to the disease COVID-19 (as defined by the World Health Organization and any strains, variants, or mutations thereof) and SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that can cause COVID-19) (collectively, “COVID-19”) and any other communicable or infectious disease, exists in any public place where people are present, including a cruise ship. No precautions can eliminate the risk of exposure to COVID-19, and the risk of exposure applies to everyone. According to public health authorities, older adults (people 65 years and older) and people of any age who have underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness and death from COVID-19. You and all persons on the reservation acknowledge that the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and any other communicable or infectious disease includes the risk of exposing others that you and/or any of them may encounter, even if you or they are not experiencing or displaying any symptoms of illness.
您和所有预订人员承认并同意自愿承担与接触 COVID-19 和任何其他传染性疾病相关的任何及所有风险,包括您或他人的疾病、受伤或死亡。You and all persons on the reservation acknowledge and agree to voluntarily assume any and all risks in any way related to exposure to COVID-19 and any other communicable or infectious disease, including illness, injury, or death of yourself or others.
乘客有责任确认和了解任何可能适用的健康和安全要求和协议,并确保在度假期间遵守游轮以及所有港口和目的地有效的所有健康和安全协议。要求和协议如有变更,恕不另行通知。查看游轮合同以了解更多详细信息。Guests are responsible for confirming and understanding any health and safety requirements and protocols that may be applicable and ensuring compliance with all health and safety protocols in effect on the cruise ship and all ports and destinations during their vacation. Requirements and protocols are subject to change without notice. Review the Cruise Contract for additional details.
通过登上迪士尼邮轮,乘客表明自己的身体状况和其他方面适合旅行。如果您的健康状况需要您服用处方药或可能需要您在邮轮假期期间获得医疗护理,请在旅行前咨询您的私人医生。为了您的方便,医生和护士全天24小时待命,提供基本医疗服务。医生和护士将根据您的要求收取服务的现行费用。By boarding the Disney Cruise Line cruise ship, Guests represent themselves as physically and otherwise fit to travel. If you have a medical condition which requires you to take prescription medication or may require you to obtain medical care during the course of your cruise vacation, please consult with your personal physician prior to traveling. For your convenience, a physician and nurse are on call 24 hours a day to provide basic medical services. The physician and nurse will charge their prevailing fees for services provided at your request.
由于意外或计划外情况或运营需要,行程、停靠港和产品可能随时更改,恕不另行通知。某些船上场地、体验和其他服务可能会被修改或不可用,容量可能有限,并且可能会受到可用性有限、提前预订或关闭的影响。 停靠港的零售场所和其他设施可能会关闭、受到限制或供应有限,尤其是在某些节假日期间。Itineraries, ports of call and offerings may change at any time without notice due to unexpected or unplanned circumstances or operational needs. Certain onboard venues, experiences and other offerings may be modified or unavailable, may have limited capacity and may be subject to limited availability, advance reservations or closure.
Retail establishments and other facilities in ports of call may be closed, restricted or have limited availability especially during certain holiday periods.
所有价格均以美元 (USD) 为单位。迪士尼游轮公司的所有费用均仅以美元计算。以当地货币显示/共享的估算值仅供参考,并且基于使用多个市场来源进行计算的私人供应商提供的汇率。信用卡对帐单将反映根据信用卡公司/银行采用的汇率收取的费用(该费用可能与所提供的估算不同),并且还包括信用卡公司/收取的额外适用税费和其他费用或费用银行,如果有的话。迪士尼游轮公司与这些额外费用无关,也不承担任何责任,包括与不同汇率和发卡机构费用相关的费用。如果对预订中适用的额外费用或汇率有任何疑问,请直接联系客人的信用卡公司/银行。All prices are in U.S. Dollars (USD). All Disney Cruise Line charges are made in U.S. Dollars only. Estimates displayed/shared in local currency are for convenience only and are based on the exchange rate provided by private vendors who use multiple market sources to calculate them. The credit card statement will reflect a charge based on the exchange rate applied by the credit card company/bank (which charge may differ from an estimate presented) and will also include additional applicable taxes and other charges or fees imposed by the credit card company/bank, if any. Disney Cruise Line is not associated with these additional charges and will not be held liable for such, including those relating to varying exchange rates and card issuer fees. Any questions about additional charges or the exchange rate applied to a booking should be directed to the Guest’s credit card company/bank.
需支付押金以确认预订。押金金额将在预订时确定。如果在预订时指定的期限内未收到全额押金,预订将被取消。最终付款应通过迪士尼游轮公司可接受的有效信用卡支付,并且必须在预订时确定的日期收到。未能严格遵守押金和最终付款时间表或任何其他适用的政策和程序将导致预订自动取消。A deposit is required to confirm a reservation. Deposit amount will be determined at time of booking. Reservations are subject to cancellation if full deposit is not received within the period specified at time of booking. Final payment shall be made through a valid credit card acceptable to Disney Cruise Line and must be received on the date determined at the time of booking. Failure to strictly comply with the deposit and final payment schedules, or any other applicable policies and procedures, will result in the automatic cancellation of reservations.
在及时收到最终付款之前,购买未完成且门票未出票;在及时收到最终付款之前,在适用法律允许的范围内,迪士尼游轮公司保留更改本网站/手册中出现的所有价格以及其他条款和条件的权利,恕不另行通知。价格或其他条款的变更不会影响及时支付最终付款的预订,除非税费、费用和港口费用增加(如适用)。The purchase is not consummated and tickets are not issued until receipt of timely final payment; until timely final payment is received, and to the extent permitted under applicable laws, Disney Cruise Line reserves the right to change all prices and other terms and conditions which appear in this website/brochure without prior notice. Changes to prices or other terms will not affect bookings with timely final payment, except where the increase results from increases in Taxes, Fees and Port Expenses, as applicable.
更改预订可能会导致按每位客人收取服务费。请咨询您的旅行社或迪士尼游轮公司了解更多详情。Changes to a reservation may result in a per Guest service fee. Please consult your travel agent or Disney Cruise Line for further details.
游轮票价包括每位客人的船上住宿以及船上提供的所有餐食(不包括特色餐饮)和娱乐。Cruise fares include shipboard accommodations on a per-Guest basis, and all meals (excluding specialty dining) and entertainment as provided on board the ship.
游轮票价部分不包括机票、地面或行李转运、燃油补充、岸上游览、停靠港观光或上岸用餐、可选小费、酒精饮料、瓶装水、洗衣或代客服务或任何其他项目没有具体包括在内。The cruise portion of the fare does not include airfare, ground or baggage transfers, fuel supplements, shore excursions, sightseeing or meals ashore in the ports of call, optional gratuities, alcoholic beverages, bottled water, laundry or valet services, or any other items not specifically included.
您指定的游轮客舱和餐饮主人的可选小费将在登船当天自动添加到船上游轮账单中。乘客可以在航程结束前要求调整或取消此项可选小费。您只需在游轮上、在游轮结束下船之前随时致电或访问游轮的宾客服务台即可。如果您的船上有可用的功能,您可以使用 Disney Cruise Line Navigator 移动应用程序(“移动应用程序”)在航行期间查看您的船上游轮资料。有关可选小费的更多信息,请访问 https://disneycruise.disney.go.com/faq/onboard-services/gratuities。The optional gratuity for your assigned cruise stateroom and dining hosts will be automatically added to the onboard cruise folio on embarkation day. Guests may request to adjust or remove this optional gratuity before the end of their cruise. Simply call or visit the cruise ship’s Guest Services Desk while you are onboard, any time prior to disembarking at the end of the cruise. If available on your vessel, you can use the Disney Cruise Line Navigator mobile application (the “Mobile App”) to review your onboard cruise folio during your cruise. More information on optional gratuities can be found at https://disneycruise.disney.go.com/faq/onboard-services/gratuities.
对于入住华特迪士尼世界度假区酒店并为 5 名以上客人预订船上套房的团体,需要额外入住华特迪士尼世界度假区酒店客房,且需支付额外费用。华特迪士尼世界度假区的票价部分不包括餐食、饮料或任何其他个人性质的项目。For parties staying at a Walt Disney World Resort hotel and reserving a shipboard suite for more than 5 Guests, an additional Walt Disney World Resort hotel room will be required at additional cost. The Walt Disney World Resort portion of the fare does not include meals, beverages or any other item of a personal nature.
船上客舱的入住人数仅限于该客舱的泊位数量。迪士尼游轮公司保留限制所售泊位和单人客舱数量的权利。Stateroom occupancy on board the ships is limited to the number of berths in that stateroom. Disney Cruise Line reserves the right to limit the number of berths and single staterooms sold.
单人入住票价为双人入住配套价格的200%。Single-occupancy fares are 200% of the double-occupancy package price.
根据供应情况,通过迪士尼游轮航空计划购买航班或自行安排航空的乘客可以购买迪士尼游轮公司的地面和行李转运服务,其中包括出发港和距离出发港最近的机场之间的交通。请访问 https://disneycruise.disney.go.com/guest-services/ground-transportation/ 了解有关地面和行李转运的信息。请注意,未从迪士尼游轮公司购买地面交通服务的乘客须负责往返机场、登船港口及其酒店(如果适用)的所有地面和行李运输。我们建议您在航程开始和结束时至少留出 4 小时的时间,用于在登船港和机场进行通关和安全检查。Subject to availability, Guests who purchase flights through the Disney Cruise Line Air Program or who make their own air arrangements may purchase ground and baggage transfers from Disney Cruise Line, which include transportation between the port of embarkation and the airport closest to the port of embarkation. Visit https://disneycruise.disney.go.com/guest-services/ground-transportation/ for information on ground and baggage transfers. Please note that those Guests who do not purchase ground transfers from Disney Cruise Line are responsible for all ground and baggage transportation to and from the airport, the port of embarkation and their hotel, if applicable. We recommend that you allow a minimum of 4 hours at the beginning and end of your cruise for travel time, customs clearances and security checks at the port of embarkation and the airport.
旅行社不属于迪士尼游轮公司所有或经营,仅作为客人的代理人安排假期。Travel agencies are not owned or operated by Disney Cruise Line and act solely as the Guest's agent in arranging vacations.
旅行社无权代表迪士尼邮轮公司或以迪士尼邮轮公司的名义制定任何义务或责任,也无权以任何方式约束迪士尼邮轮公司,或代表迪士尼邮轮公司作出任何陈述、保证、契约、协议或承诺,或接受迪士尼游轮公司的付款或代表迪士尼游轮公司采取任何其他行动。迪士尼邮轮公司与旅行社之间是独立承包商的关系。为避免疑义,迪士尼邮轮公司并未明示或默示同意旅行社执行委托,也未明示或默示授权旅行社代表迪士尼邮轮公司行事,且旅行社并非迪士尼邮轮公司的代理人。Travel agencies are not authorized to create any obligation or responsibility on Disney Cruise Line's behalf or in Disney Cruise Line's name or authorized to bind Disney Cruise Line in any manner or make any representation, warranty, covenant, agreement or commitment on Disney Cruise Line’s behalf, or accept payment for Disney Cruise Line or take any other action on Disney Cruise Line‘s behalf. The relationship between Disney Cruise Line and travel agencies is that of independent contractor. For the avoidance of doubt, Disney Cruise Line does not give travel agencies express or implied consent to carry out a mandate, nor express or implied authority to act on behalf of Disney Cruise Line, and travel agencies are not agents of Disney Cruise Line.
迪士尼游轮公司不对此类旅行社所做的任何声明或陈述负责或受其约束,并特此明确声明,对于任何人身伤害、疾病、情绪困扰、由于旅行社的作为或不作为而可能直接或间接对任何人或财产造成的精神痛苦、心理伤害、损害、损失、延误、异常或不便。Disney Cruise Line shall not be held responsible or bound by any statement or representation made by such travel agencies, and hereby expressly disclaims any liability, whether in contract, tort or any other cause of action, for any personal injury, illness, emotional distress, mental suffering, psychological injury, damage, loss, delay, irregularity or inconvenience that may be caused to any person or property, whether directly or indirectly, as a result of an act or omission of the travel agencies.
乘客始终应对迪士尼游轮公司的假期费用承担责任。乘客理解并同意,乘客的旅行社或销售代理收到邮轮合同或任何其他信息或通知,自代理人收到之日起应被视为乘客已收到。宾客承认迪士尼游轮公司不对任何旅行社或销售代理的财务状况或诚信负责。Guest shall remain liable at all times to Disney Cruise Line for the price of the vacation. Guest understands and agrees that receipt of the Cruise Contract or any other information or notices by Guest’s travel agent or sales agent shall be deemed receipt by the Guest as of the date of receipt by the agent. Guest acknowledges that Disney Cruise Line is not responsible for the financial condition or integrity of any travel agent or sales agent.
迪士尼游轮公司可能会拒绝任何可能患有传染性疾病(包括但不限于 COVID-19)、健康状况不佳或船长认为其存在可能受到影响的乘客通过或运输,或者可能在任何港口下船。不利于其他乘客或机组人员的舒适或安全,或者船长认为可能被移民局或其他政府当局排除在目的地着陆的情况。在这种情况下,乘客无权获得任何票价退款或任何赔偿。迪士尼游轮公司保留拒绝有犯罪背景的乘客通行的权利。Disney Cruise Line may refuse passage or transport or may debark at any port any Guest who may be suffering from a contagious or infectious disease (including but not limited to COVID-19), ill health or whose presence in the opinion of the Master may be detrimental to the comfort or safety of other Guests or the crew, or who, in the Master's opinion, might be excluded from landing at destination by immigration or other governmental authorities. In such cases, the Guest shall not be entitled to any refund of fare or compensation whatsoever. Disney Cruise Line reserves the right to refuse passage to Guests with criminal backgrounds.
出于安全考虑,自登船之日起已怀孕 24 周或将在邮轮期间怀孕 24 周的女性将被拒绝通过。医生的医疗声明和责任豁免均不被接受。此外,迪士尼游轮公司对任何阶段与怀孕有关的任何并发症均不承担任何责任。大多数行程中,乘坐迪士尼游轮的最低年龄为 6 个月,跨大西洋、夏威夷和巴拿马运河航线的最低年龄为 1 岁。Women who have entered their 24th week of pregnancy as of their embarkation date or who will enter their 24th week of pregnancy during the cruise will be refused passage due to safety concerns. Neither a physician's medical statement nor a waiver of liability will be accepted. In addition, Disney Cruise Line cannot be held responsible or liable for any complications relating to pregnancy at any stage. The minimum age to sail aboard Disney Cruise Line ships is 6 months of age on most itineraries, and the minimum age for Transatlantic, Hawaii, and Panama Canal itineraries is 1 year of age.
除服务性动物外,任何动物均不得登船。如果要将服务性动物带上船,则必须在启航前至少 72 小时通知迪士尼游轮公司。许多停靠港对动物都有严格的入境要求,您必须确保您的服务性动物符合每个目的地的所有要求。对于因您未能遵守任何此类入境要求而导致您无法访问停靠港的情况,迪士尼游轮公司概不负责。No animals are allowed on board the ships except for service animals. Disney Cruise Line must be notified at least 72 hours prior to sailing if a service animal is to be brought on board the ship. Many ports of call have strict entry requirements for animals, and you must ensure that your service animal complies with all requirements of each destination. Disney Cruise Line is not responsible for your inability to visit a port of call due to your failure to comply with any such entry requirements.
所有乘客必须持有政府签发的有效公民身份文件才能航行,其中可能包括有效的护照原件和/或必要的签证。没有适当公民身份文件的人将被拒绝登船。迪士尼游轮公司强烈鼓励所有年龄段的客人在所有游轮旅行时都持有有效护照。 乘客全权负责检查并满足行程中每个国家和停靠港的入境和文件要求,包括但不限于有效的签证和护照。All Guests must have valid government issued citizenship documentation in order to sail, which may include valid original passports and/or necessary visas. Those without proper citizenship documentation will be denied embarkation. Disney Cruise Line strongly encourages Guests of all ages to have a valid passport for all cruises.
Guests are solely responsible for checking and meeting the entry and documentation requirements of each country and port of call on their itinerary, including, but not limited to, valid visas and passports.
乘客必须遵守所有船上政策,这些政策可能随时更改,恕不另行通知。访问 www.disneycruise.com 了解最新信息Guests must comply with all onboard policies, which are subject to change at any time, without notice. Visit www.disneycruise.com for the latest information
酒精饮料政策 Alcohol Policy
对于从悉尼、墨尔本、奥克兰、布里斯班和新加坡出发的往返邮轮,年满 18 周岁的乘客可在行程开始时携带两瓶未开封的葡萄酒或香槟(不超过 750 毫升)或六瓶啤酒(不超过 12 盎司)航程和每个停靠港。对于所有其他游轮,乘客必须年满 21 岁。For round-trip cruises from Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, Brisbane and Singapore, Guests 18 years and older may bring two bottles of unopened wine or champagne (no larger than 750ml) or six beers (no larger than 12oz) at the beginning of the voyage and at each port-of-call. For all other cruises, Guests must be 21 years and older.
所有带上飞机的葡萄酒/香槟和啤酒必须由专人携带通过安检程序。托运行李中的任何酒精饮料将被移除且不会退回,且不会提供任何赔偿。游轮开始时,乘客不得携带酒类或烈酒(包括酒精粉)上船。在停靠港购买的任何酒类或烈酒都将被储存到航程结束为止。乘客必须在航程结束时取回所有储存的酒精饮料。航行结束时未取回的物品将被丢弃,并且不会提供任何补偿。All wine/champagne and beer brought onboard must be hand carried through the security process. Any alcohol packed in checked luggage will be removed and not returned, and no compensation will be offered. Guests are not allowed to bring liquors or spirits (including powdered alcohol) onboard at the start of the cruise. Any liquors or spirits purchased in ports of call will be stored until the end of the cruise. Guest must retrieve any stored alcohol at the end of the cruise. Items not retrieved at end of the cruise will be discarded and no compensation will be offered.
贵重物品和武器或其他危险/非法物品 Valuables and Weapons or Other Dangerous/Illegal Articles
客人应将现金、有价证券或其他金融工具、黄金、银器、珠宝、装饰品、艺术品、摄影/视频/音频设备或用品、笔记本电脑、手机或其他贵重物品保留在个人控制之下。迪士尼游轮公司提供室内保险箱,为客人提供方便;室内保险箱内存放的物品不应被视为已存放在船长或其他指定代表处。武器、爆炸物、液氧、可燃物质或非处方管制物质等危险或非法物品不得带入华特迪士尼世界®度假区或带上船。任何此类物品均应在登船时交给船长,并可由船长自行决定处置。Guests should retain valuables such as cash, negotiable securities or other financial instruments, gold, silverware, jewelry, ornaments, works of art, photographic/video/audio equipment or supplies, laptop computers, cellular phones or other valuables in their personal control. Disney Cruise Line provides an in-room safe for Guest convenience; storage of items in the in-room safe shall not be deemed to have been deposited with the Master or other designated representative. Dangerous or illegal articles such as weapons, explosives, liquid oxygen, combustible substances or nonprescription controlled substances may not be brought to Walt Disney World® Resort or taken aboard the ship. Any such items shall be surrendered to the Master of the ship at embarkation, and may be disposed of at the sole discretion of the Master.
禁止活动 Prohibited Activities
不允许进行未经授权的商业活动或任何类型的商品和服务招揽。除非迪士尼游轮公司事先授权,否则禁止出于商业目的进行任何形式的摄影、录像或录音。乘客不得在船舶的任何部分(包括客舱阳台)悬挂、附着或以其他方式展示任何旗帜、横幅或标志。No unauthorized commercial activity or solicitation of goods and services of any kind is allowed. Photography, videotaping or recording of any kind for commercial purposes is prohibited unless authorized by Disney Cruise Line in advance. Guests may not hang, attach or otherwise display any flag, banner or sign from any part of the ship, including stateroom verandahs.
吸烟/禁烟政策 Smoking/Nonsmoking Policy
为了让客人感到舒适和享受,迪士尼游轮公司的船舶主要被指定为无烟船舶。为了提供令吸烟者满意的船上氛围,每艘船上的部分露天甲板都被指定为吸烟区。所有其他区域均禁止吸烟,包括客舱和私人阳台。被发现在客舱或阳台吸烟的客人将被罚款 250 美元,这笔费用将计入他们的账单中。所有客人必须遵守禁烟区规定,不得在任何公共区域吸烟和/或雪茄。这些要求都是为了给大家提供一个舒适的船上生活氛围。For the comfort and enjoyment of our Guests, Disney Cruise Line ships have been primarily designated as non-smoking ships. To provide an onboard atmosphere that also satisfies smokers, portions of open-air decks on each ship are designated as smoking areas. Smoking is prohibited in all other areas, including Guest staterooms and private verandahs. Guests who are found smoking in their staterooms or on their verandahs will be charged USD $250, which will be added to their folio. All Guests must observe the nonsmoking areas and refrain from smoking pipes and/or cigars in any of the public areas. These requests are to provide a comfortable shipboard living atmosphere for everyone.
易腐烂物品 Perishables
除非需要用于药物、婴儿食品或与饮食限制相关的物品,否则不允许使用冷却器。装有个人物品(例如苏打水或零食)的冷藏箱不得带上飞机。自制、预煮或其他易腐烂物品以及任何打开的零食容器不得带上飞机。很遗憾,我们无法在船上为个人食品或饮料提供食品准备、冷藏或储存服务。Coolers are not permitted except if needed for medications, baby food or items related to dietary constraints. Coolers containing personal items (e.g., soda or snacks) may NOT be brought on board. Homemade, pre-cooked or other perishable items plus any open snack containers will not be allowed to be brought on board. We regret that we are unable to provide food preparation, refrigeration or storage on board for personal food or beverage items.
婴儿泳池政策 Infant Pool Policy
为了乘客的健康和安全,家长必须遵守美国公共卫生服务和/或其他适用的公共卫生机构的要求,仅允许接受过如厕训练的儿童进入船上游泳池和水疗中心。不允许使用尿布和游泳尿布。然而,未受过如厕训练的幼儿也可以享受我们专为穿着游泳尿布的儿童设计的水上游乐区和戏水区。For the health and safety of our Guests, parents must observe U.S. Public Health Service and/or other applicable public health authority requirements by allowing only children who are toilet trained to enter shipboard pools and spas. Diapers and swim diapers are not allowed. However, young children who are not toilet trained are welcome to enjoy our water play areas and splash zones designed exclusively for the enjoyment of children wearing swim diapers.
迪士尼游轮公司提供无障碍客舱和套房,专为残障人士配备。特点包括:倾斜的浴室门槛、开放式床架、浴室/床头柜中增加的电话、浴室和淋浴扶手、折叠式淋浴座椅、手持淋浴喷头以及降低的毛巾和衣柜杆。注意:在整个巡游期间需要使用轮椅的乘客必须在巡游前做好使用轮椅的准备。Disney Cruise Line offers accessible staterooms and suites, equipped for Guests with disabilities. Features include: ramped bathroom thresholds, open bed frames, added phones in the bathroom/nightstand, bathroom and shower handrails, fold-down shower seats, handheld shower heads, and lowered towel and closet bars. Note: Guests requiring a wheelchair throughout their cruise must make provisions prior to the cruise for the use of that wheelchair.
我们的功能池之一提供了传输层。灯塔角的迪士尼漂流岛 (Disney Castaway Cay) 和迪士尼瞭望岛 (Disney's Lookout Cay) 提供沙轮椅。船上公共区域设有适合轮椅使用者的卫生间。主要剧院均设有辅助听力系统。客舱电视和部分机载视频监视器可提供隐藏式字幕。指定巡游日期的现场表演提供手语翻译。客舱通信套件包含敲门和电话警报、电话放大器、摇床通知、频闪灯烟雾探测器和文本打字机 (TTY)。Transfer tiers are provided at one of our feature pools. Sand wheelchairs are available at Disney Castaway Cay and Disney’s Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point. Wheelchair-accessible restrooms are available in the shipboard common areas. Assistive Listening Systems are available in the main theaters. Closed captioning is available for stateroom televisions and select onboard video monitors. Sign language interpretation is available for live performances on designated cruise dates. Stateroom Communication Kits containing door knock and phone alerts, phone amplifier, bed shaker notification, a strobe light smoke detector, and a Text Typewriter (TTY) are available.
如果您想获得更多信息或要求为残疾客人提供住宿,请在预订时与预订人员讨论您的需求。您还可以访问 www.disneycruise.com,了解有关为残障乘客提供的服务的更多信息。If you would like to receive additional information or request accommodations for Guests with disabilities, please discuss your needs with the reservation is at the time of booking. You can also visit www.disneycruise.com for more information about the services offered for Guests with disabilities.
Guests With Disabilities/Cruises Embarking in European Union and United Kingdom Ports
在适用的情况下,在欧盟或英国港口登船的乘客必须仔细阅读游轮合同中有关欧盟法规 1177/2010 的第 24 条,了解游轮的其他条件和要求。Where applicable, Guests embarking the ship in a European Union or United Kingdom port must carefully review Clause 24 of the Cruise Contract regarding EU Regulation 1177/2010 for additional conditions and requirements for the cruise.
请注意,如果乘客是“残疾人”或“行动不便人士”,可能需要在登船或下船终点站进行特殊安排、医疗设备和/或用品、或护理或协助,则必须以书面形式通知迪士尼游轮公司,在登船或离船期间或在巡航期间;有关住宿、座位或所需服务的任何具体需求;以及他们是否需要携带任何特定的医疗设备或辅助动物登机。Note that Guests must notify Disney Cruise Line in writing if they are a “Disabled Person” or “Person with Reduced Mobility” that may require special arrangements, medical equipment and/or supplies, or care or assistance at the terminal of embarkation or debarkation, during embarkation or debarkation or during the cruise; of any specific needs with regard to accommodation, seating or services required; and, whether they need to bring any specific medical equipment or assistance animals onboard.
Magical Cruise Company, Limited(以 Disney Cruise Line 名义开展业务 - 注册地址:3 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 9PE, England)和 DCL Island Development, Ltd. 均为独立实体,并且是华特迪士尼公司的间接子公司。 Magical Cruise Company, Limited 是迪士尼游轮公司游轮的运营商。 DCL Island Development, Ltd. 是迪士尼漂流岛 (Disney's Castaway Cay) 和灯塔角迪士尼瞭望岛 (Disney Lookout Cay) 设施的运营商和提供商。乘客为以下目的或由乘客做出的所有安排: (a) 空中或地面交通或旅行; (b) 岸上游览; (c) 旅游; (d) 主题公园; (e) 酒店; (f) 餐馆; (g) 其他类似的活动或服务,纯粹是为了方便客人而进行的,客人需自行承担风险,并且可能适用其他条款和条件。此类活动和服务的提供者是独立承包商,并非神奇邮轮有限公司的代理人或代表。此类活动和服务提供商的身份可根据岸上游览经理的要求提供。如果套餐的任何部分(例如航空运输或酒店)由第三方旅行供应商或通过预订服务履行,预订套餐即表示您了解迪士尼可能会向第三方提供个人信息,但须遵守第三方的规定- 与您的预订相关的一方自己的隐私政策。Magical Cruise Company, Limited (doing business as Disney Cruise Line - Registered Office: 3 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 9PE, England) and DCL Island Development, Ltd. are each separate entities and are indirect subsidiaries of The Walt Disney Company. Magical Cruise Company, Limited is the operator of the Disney Cruise Line cruise ships. DCL Island Development, Ltd. is the operator and provider of facilities on Disney's Castaway Cay and Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point. All arrangements made for or by Guests for: (a) air or ground transportation or travel; (b) shore excursions; (c) tours; (d) theme parks; (e) hotels; (f) restaurants; or (g) other similar activities or services, are made solely for Guests' convenience and are at Guests' risk and additional terms and conditions may apply. The providers of such activities and services are independent contractors and are not acting as agents or representatives of Magical Cruise Company, Limited. The identity of the providers of such activities and services is available upon request from the shore excursion manager. If any portion of the package (such as air transportation or hotel) is fulfilled by a third party travel supplier or through a booking service, by booking the package, you understand that Disney may provide personal information to the third party, subject to the third-party’s own privacy policy, in connection with your reservation.
船舶登记处Ships' Registry: 巴哈马The Bahamas
Rev. September 2024 (v. 01H)
These Booking Terms and Conditions shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law and is subject to the provisions of any applicable legislation, including consumer protection legislation, that cannot be excluded by contract. Each clause and provision contained herein is severable. If any portion of these Booking Terms and Conditions shall be determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or without effect, then only such portion shall be deemed severed from the Booking Terms and Conditions and all remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.
这些预订条款和条件应受新加坡法律解释、解释和管辖。由这些预订条款和条件(包括但不限于通过 www.disneycruise.com、呼叫中心和/或通过旅行社预订)引起的、引起的或与之相关的所有索赔、争议和事项均应提交给按照本协议和游轮合同中规定的方式解决。与此预订相关的与迪士尼游轮公司的所有交易均和/或应被视为完全在新加坡境内完成,不包括所有其他国家和地区。 These Booking Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted, construed and governed by the laws of Singapore. All claims, disputes and matters whatsoever arising under, arising out of, or relating to these Booking Terms and Conditions (including, without limitation, booking via www.disneycruise.com, call centers and/or through travel agencies) shall be referred to and resolved in the manner provided for herein and in the Cruise Contract. All transactions with Disney Cruise Line related to this booking are and/or shall be deemed to be consummated entirely within Singapore to the exclusion of all other countries and territories.
所有乘客均须在预订前阅读并接受这些预订条款和条件以及游轮合同(包括但不限于通过 www.disneycruise.com、呼叫中心和/或通过旅行服务公司预订)。请仔细阅读这些预订条款和条件以及邮轮合同,因为它们包含管理您的预订和邮轮假期并影响您的合法权利的重要条款和条件。All Guests are required to read and accept these Booking Terms and Conditions and the Cruise Contract before booking (including, without limitation, booking via www.disneycruise.com, call centers and/or through travel services companies). Carefully read these Booking Terms and Conditions and the Cruise Contract, as they contain important terms and conditions that govern your reservation and cruise vacation and affect your legal rights.
The parties select English as the official/prevailing language for the Booking Terms and Conditions and the Cruise Contract, including any and all transactions and documents related thereto.
By booking a Disney Cruise Line reservation, you represent and warrant that all persons on the reservation have reviewed and accepted the Booking Terms and Conditions and the Cruise Contract. In the event of conflict between the Cruise Contract, these Booking Terms and Conditions, and the oral or written representations of any Disney Cruise Line representative or third party travel agent, the Cruise Contract shall control.
通过旅行社预订的团体旅行的取消和付款政策可能有所不同。请联系您的旅行社了解详情。Cancellation and payment policies for group travel booked through a travel agency may vary. Please contact your travel agent for specifics.
您可以通过注册并登录 www.disneycruise.com 并选择“我的迪士尼游轮”来在线填写游轮所需的表格。The forms needed for your cruise can be completed online by registering and logging into www.disneycruise.com and selecting “My Disney Cruise.”
未与父母或法定监护人同行的 18 岁以下未成年人必须由 21 岁或以上的成人陪同入住同一间客舱。未与父母或监护人一起旅行的任何未成年人的父母或监护人必须指定一名成年人对未成年人进行监护和控制,并代表他们与迪士尼邮轮假期签订合同。 迪士尼邮轮要求每位没有父母或法定监护人陪同旅行的儿童填写未成年人授权表。父母或法定监护人必须填写表格,注明适用于每个儿童的姓名,并且必须由授权成人在港口码头办理登机手续时出示该表格。您可以在在线办理登机手续时访问 www.disneycruise.com/plan 上的“我的预订控制面板”获取该表格。Minors under the age of 18 not traveling with a parent or legal guardian must be accompanied by an adult 21 years of age or older in the same stateroom. The parent or guardian of any minor not traveling with a parent or guardian must appoint an adult to have custody and control over the minor and to contract on their behalf in connection with the Disney Cruise Line vacation. DCL requires a minor authorization form to be completed for each child traveling without a parent or legal guardian. The parent or legal guardian must complete the form, naming each child it applies to, and it must be presented by the authorized adult at check-in at the port terminal. The form can be obtained during Online Check-in by visiting the My Reservations Dashboard at www.disneycruise.com/plan.
COVID-19 和其他传染性疾病
通过预订,您和预订中的所有人员均同意、理解并承认,存在接触疾病 COVID-19(根据世界卫生组织的定义及其任何毒株、变种或突变)的固有风险,并且SARS-CoV-2(可引起 COVID-19 的病毒)(统称为“COVID-19”)和任何其他传染性疾病,存在于有人出现的任何公共场所,包括游轮。任何预防措施都无法消除接触 COVID-19 的风险,并且接触风险适用于每个人。据公共卫生当局称,老年人(65 岁及以上)和患有基础疾病的任何年龄段的人因 COVID-19 患严重疾病和死亡的风险较高。您和预订中的所有人员均承认,接触 COVID-19 和任何其他传染病的风险包括接触您和/或他们中的任何人可能遇到的其他人的风险,即使您或他们没有经历或表现出任何疾病症状。By booking a reservation, you and all persons on the reservation agree, understand, and acknowledge, that an inherent risk of exposure to the disease COVID-19 (as defined by the World Health Organization and any strains, variants, or mutations thereof) and SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that can cause COVID-19) (collectively, “COVID-19”) and any other communicable or infectious disease, exists in any public place where people are present, including a cruise ship. No precautions can eliminate the risk of exposure to COVID-19, and the risk of exposure applies to everyone. According to public health authorities, older adults (people 65 years and older) and people of any age who have underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness and death from COVID-19. You and all persons on the reservation acknowledge that the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and any other communicable or infectious disease includes the risk of exposing others that you and/or any of them may encounter, even if you or they are not experiencing or displaying any symptoms of illness.
您和所有预订人员承认并同意自愿承担与接触 COVID-19 和任何其他传染性疾病相关的任何及所有风险,包括您或他人的疾病、受伤或死亡。You and all persons on the reservation acknowledge and agree to voluntarily assume any and all risks in any way related to exposure to COVID-19 and any other communicable or infectious disease, including illness, injury, or death of yourself or others.
乘客有责任确认和了解任何可能适用的健康和安全要求和协议,并确保在度假期间遵守游轮以及所有港口和目的地有效的所有健康和安全协议。要求和协议如有变更,恕不另行通知。查看游轮合同以了解更多详细信息。Guests are responsible for confirming and understanding any health and safety requirements and protocols that may be applicable and ensuring compliance with all health and safety protocols in effect on the cruise ship and all ports and destinations during their vacation. Requirements and protocols are subject to change without notice. Review the Cruise Contract for additional details.
通过登上迪士尼邮轮,乘客表明自己的身体状况和其他方面适合旅行。如果您的健康状况需要您服用处方药或可能需要您在邮轮假期期间获得医疗护理,请在旅行前咨询您的私人医生。为了您的方便,医生和护士全天24小时待命,提供基本医疗服务。医生和护士将根据您的要求收取服务的现行费用。By boarding the Disney Cruise Line cruise ship, Guests represent themselves as physically and otherwise fit to travel. If you have a medical condition which requires you to take prescription medication or may require you to obtain medical care during the course of your cruise vacation, please consult with your personal physician prior to traveling. For your convenience, a physician and nurse are on call 24 hours a day to provide basic medical services. The physician and nurse will charge their prevailing fees for services provided at your request.
由于意外或计划外情况或运营需要,行程、停靠港和产品可能随时更改,恕不另行通知。某些船上场地、体验和其他服务可能会被修改或不可用,容量可能有限,并且可能会受到可用性有限、提前预订或关闭的影响。 停靠港的零售场所和其他设施可能会关闭、受到限制或供应有限,尤其是在某些节假日期间。Itineraries, ports of call and offerings may change at any time without notice due to unexpected or unplanned circumstances or operational needs. Certain onboard venues, experiences and other offerings may be modified or unavailable, may have limited capacity and may be subject to limited availability, advance reservations or closure.
Retail establishments and other facilities in ports of call may be closed, restricted or have limited availability especially during certain holiday periods.
所有价格均以美元 (USD) 为单位。迪士尼游轮公司的所有费用均仅以美元计算。以当地货币显示/共享的估算值仅供参考,并且基于使用多个市场来源进行计算的私人供应商提供的汇率。信用卡对帐单将反映根据信用卡公司/银行采用的汇率收取的费用(该费用可能与所提供的估算不同),并且还包括信用卡公司/收取的额外适用税费和其他费用或费用银行,如果有的话。迪士尼游轮公司与这些额外费用无关,也不承担任何责任,包括与不同汇率和发卡机构费用相关的费用。如果对预订中适用的额外费用或汇率有任何疑问,请直接联系客人的信用卡公司/银行。All prices are in U.S. Dollars (USD). All Disney Cruise Line charges are made in U.S. Dollars only. Estimates displayed/shared in local currency are for convenience only and are based on the exchange rate provided by private vendors who use multiple market sources to calculate them. The credit card statement will reflect a charge based on the exchange rate applied by the credit card company/bank (which charge may differ from an estimate presented) and will also include additional applicable taxes and other charges or fees imposed by the credit card company/bank, if any. Disney Cruise Line is not associated with these additional charges and will not be held liable for such, including those relating to varying exchange rates and card issuer fees. Any questions about additional charges or the exchange rate applied to a booking should be directed to the Guest’s credit card company/bank.
需支付押金以确认预订。押金金额将在预订时确定。如果在预订时指定的期限内未收到全额押金,预订将被取消。最终付款应通过迪士尼游轮公司可接受的有效信用卡支付,并且必须在预订时确定的日期收到。未能严格遵守押金和最终付款时间表或任何其他适用的政策和程序将导致预订自动取消。A deposit is required to confirm a reservation. Deposit amount will be determined at time of booking. Reservations are subject to cancellation if full deposit is not received within the period specified at time of booking. Final payment shall be made through a valid credit card acceptable to Disney Cruise Line and must be received on the date determined at the time of booking. Failure to strictly comply with the deposit and final payment schedules, or any other applicable policies and procedures, will result in the automatic cancellation of reservations.
在及时收到最终付款之前,购买未完成且门票未出票;在及时收到最终付款之前,在适用法律允许的范围内,迪士尼游轮公司保留更改本网站/手册中出现的所有价格以及其他条款和条件的权利,恕不另行通知。价格或其他条款的变更不会影响及时支付最终付款的预订,除非税费、费用和港口费用增加(如适用)。The purchase is not consummated and tickets are not issued until receipt of timely final payment; until timely final payment is received, and to the extent permitted under applicable laws, Disney Cruise Line reserves the right to change all prices and other terms and conditions which appear in this website/brochure without prior notice. Changes to prices or other terms will not affect bookings with timely final payment, except where the increase results from increases in Taxes, Fees and Port Expenses, as applicable.
更改预订可能会导致按每位客人收取服务费。请咨询您的旅行社或迪士尼游轮公司了解更多详情。Changes to a reservation may result in a per Guest service fee. Please consult your travel agent or Disney Cruise Line for further details.
游轮票价包括每位客人的船上住宿以及船上提供的所有餐食(不包括特色餐饮)和娱乐。Cruise fares include shipboard accommodations on a per-Guest basis, and all meals (excluding specialty dining) and entertainment as provided on board the ship.
游轮票价部分不包括机票、地面或行李转运、燃油补充、岸上游览、停靠港观光或上岸用餐、可选小费、酒精饮料、瓶装水、洗衣或代客服务或任何其他项目没有具体包括在内。The cruise portion of the fare does not include airfare, ground or baggage transfers, fuel supplements, shore excursions, sightseeing or meals ashore in the ports of call, optional gratuities, alcoholic beverages, bottled water, laundry or valet services, or any other items not specifically included.
您指定的游轮客舱和餐饮主人的可选小费将在登船当天自动添加到船上游轮账单中。乘客可以在航程结束前要求调整或取消此项可选小费。您只需在游轮上、在游轮结束下船之前随时致电或访问游轮的宾客服务台即可。如果您的船上有可用的功能,您可以使用 Disney Cruise Line Navigator 移动应用程序(“移动应用程序”)在航行期间查看您的船上游轮资料。有关可选小费的更多信息,请访问 https://disneycruise.disney.go.com/faq/onboard-services/gratuities。The optional gratuity for your assigned cruise stateroom and dining hosts will be automatically added to the onboard cruise folio on embarkation day. Guests may request to adjust or remove this optional gratuity before the end of their cruise. Simply call or visit the cruise ship’s Guest Services Desk while you are onboard, any time prior to disembarking at the end of the cruise. If available on your vessel, you can use the Disney Cruise Line Navigator mobile application (the “Mobile App”) to review your onboard cruise folio during your cruise. More information on optional gratuities can be found at https://disneycruise.disney.go.com/faq/onboard-services/gratuities.
对于入住华特迪士尼世界度假区酒店并为 5 名以上客人预订船上套房的团体,需要额外入住华特迪士尼世界度假区酒店客房,且需支付额外费用。华特迪士尼世界度假区的票价部分不包括餐食、饮料或任何其他个人性质的项目。For parties staying at a Walt Disney World Resort hotel and reserving a shipboard suite for more than 5 Guests, an additional Walt Disney World Resort hotel room will be required at additional cost. The Walt Disney World Resort portion of the fare does not include meals, beverages or any other item of a personal nature.
船上客舱的入住人数仅限于该客舱的泊位数量。迪士尼游轮公司保留限制所售泊位和单人客舱数量的权利。Stateroom occupancy on board the ships is limited to the number of berths in that stateroom. Disney Cruise Line reserves the right to limit the number of berths and single staterooms sold.
单人入住票价为双人入住配套价格的200%。Single-occupancy fares are 200% of the double-occupancy package price.
根据供应情况,通过迪士尼游轮航空计划购买航班或自行安排航空的乘客可以购买迪士尼游轮公司的地面和行李转运服务,其中包括出发港和距离出发港最近的机场之间的交通。请访问 https://disneycruise.disney.go.com/guest-services/ground-transportation/ 了解有关地面和行李转运的信息。请注意,未从迪士尼游轮公司购买地面交通服务的乘客须负责往返机场、登船港口及其酒店(如果适用)的所有地面和行李运输。我们建议您在航程开始和结束时至少留出 4 小时的时间,用于在登船港和机场进行通关和安全检查。Subject to availability, Guests who purchase flights through the Disney Cruise Line Air Program or who make their own air arrangements may purchase ground and baggage transfers from Disney Cruise Line, which include transportation between the port of embarkation and the airport closest to the port of embarkation. Visit https://disneycruise.disney.go.com/guest-services/ground-transportation/ for information on ground and baggage transfers. Please note that those Guests who do not purchase ground transfers from Disney Cruise Line are responsible for all ground and baggage transportation to and from the airport, the port of embarkation and their hotel, if applicable. We recommend that you allow a minimum of 4 hours at the beginning and end of your cruise for travel time, customs clearances and security checks at the port of embarkation and the airport.
旅行社不属于迪士尼游轮公司所有或经营,仅作为客人的代理人安排假期。Travel agencies are not owned or operated by Disney Cruise Line and act solely as the Guest's agent in arranging vacations.
旅行社无权代表迪士尼邮轮公司或以迪士尼邮轮公司的名义制定任何义务或责任,也无权以任何方式约束迪士尼邮轮公司,或代表迪士尼邮轮公司作出任何陈述、保证、契约、协议或承诺,或接受迪士尼游轮公司的付款或代表迪士尼游轮公司采取任何其他行动。迪士尼邮轮公司与旅行社之间是独立承包商的关系。为避免疑义,迪士尼邮轮公司并未明示或默示同意旅行社执行委托,也未明示或默示授权旅行社代表迪士尼邮轮公司行事,且旅行社并非迪士尼邮轮公司的代理人。Travel agencies are not authorized to create any obligation or responsibility on Disney Cruise Line's behalf or in Disney Cruise Line's name or authorized to bind Disney Cruise Line in any manner or make any representation, warranty, covenant, agreement or commitment on Disney Cruise Line’s behalf, or accept payment for Disney Cruise Line or take any other action on Disney Cruise Line‘s behalf. The relationship between Disney Cruise Line and travel agencies is that of independent contractor. For the avoidance of doubt, Disney Cruise Line does not give travel agencies express or implied consent to carry out a mandate, nor express or implied authority to act on behalf of Disney Cruise Line, and travel agencies are not agents of Disney Cruise Line.
迪士尼游轮公司不对此类旅行社所做的任何声明或陈述负责或受其约束,并特此明确声明,对于任何人身伤害、疾病、情绪困扰、由于旅行社的作为或不作为而可能直接或间接对任何人或财产造成的精神痛苦、心理伤害、损害、损失、延误、异常或不便。Disney Cruise Line shall not be held responsible or bound by any statement or representation made by such travel agencies, and hereby expressly disclaims any liability, whether in contract, tort or any other cause of action, for any personal injury, illness, emotional distress, mental suffering, psychological injury, damage, loss, delay, irregularity or inconvenience that may be caused to any person or property, whether directly or indirectly, as a result of an act or omission of the travel agencies.
乘客始终应对迪士尼游轮公司的假期费用承担责任。乘客理解并同意,乘客的旅行社或销售代理收到邮轮合同或任何其他信息或通知,自代理人收到之日起应被视为乘客已收到。宾客承认迪士尼游轮公司不对任何旅行社或销售代理的财务状况或诚信负责。Guest shall remain liable at all times to Disney Cruise Line for the price of the vacation. Guest understands and agrees that receipt of the Cruise Contract or any other information or notices by Guest’s travel agent or sales agent shall be deemed receipt by the Guest as of the date of receipt by the agent. Guest acknowledges that Disney Cruise Line is not responsible for the financial condition or integrity of any travel agent or sales agent.
迪士尼游轮公司可能会拒绝任何可能患有传染性疾病(包括但不限于 COVID-19)、健康状况不佳或船长认为其存在可能受到影响的乘客通过或运输,或者可能在任何港口下船。不利于其他乘客或机组人员的舒适或安全,或者船长认为可能被移民局或其他政府当局排除在目的地着陆的情况。在这种情况下,乘客无权获得任何票价退款或任何赔偿。迪士尼游轮公司保留拒绝有犯罪背景的乘客通行的权利。Disney Cruise Line may refuse passage or transport or may debark at any port any Guest who may be suffering from a contagious or infectious disease (including but not limited to COVID-19), ill health or whose presence in the opinion of the Master may be detrimental to the comfort or safety of other Guests or the crew, or who, in the Master's opinion, might be excluded from landing at destination by immigration or other governmental authorities. In such cases, the Guest shall not be entitled to any refund of fare or compensation whatsoever. Disney Cruise Line reserves the right to refuse passage to Guests with criminal backgrounds.
出于安全考虑,自登船之日起已怀孕 24 周或将在邮轮期间怀孕 24 周的女性将被拒绝通过。医生的医疗声明和责任豁免均不被接受。此外,迪士尼游轮公司对任何阶段与怀孕有关的任何并发症均不承担任何责任。大多数行程中,乘坐迪士尼游轮的最低年龄为 6 个月,跨大西洋、夏威夷和巴拿马运河航线的最低年龄为 1 岁。Women who have entered their 24th week of pregnancy as of their embarkation date or who will enter their 24th week of pregnancy during the cruise will be refused passage due to safety concerns. Neither a physician's medical statement nor a waiver of liability will be accepted. In addition, Disney Cruise Line cannot be held responsible or liable for any complications relating to pregnancy at any stage. The minimum age to sail aboard Disney Cruise Line ships is 6 months of age on most itineraries, and the minimum age for Transatlantic, Hawaii, and Panama Canal itineraries is 1 year of age.
除服务性动物外,任何动物均不得登船。如果要将服务性动物带上船,则必须在启航前至少 72 小时通知迪士尼游轮公司。许多停靠港对动物都有严格的入境要求,您必须确保您的服务性动物符合每个目的地的所有要求。对于因您未能遵守任何此类入境要求而导致您无法访问停靠港的情况,迪士尼游轮公司概不负责。No animals are allowed on board the ships except for service animals. Disney Cruise Line must be notified at least 72 hours prior to sailing if a service animal is to be brought on board the ship. Many ports of call have strict entry requirements for animals, and you must ensure that your service animal complies with all requirements of each destination. Disney Cruise Line is not responsible for your inability to visit a port of call due to your failure to comply with any such entry requirements.
所有乘客必须持有政府签发的有效公民身份文件才能航行,其中可能包括有效的护照原件和/或必要的签证。没有适当公民身份文件的人将被拒绝登船。迪士尼游轮公司强烈鼓励所有年龄段的客人在所有游轮旅行时都持有有效护照。 乘客全权负责检查并满足行程中每个国家和停靠港的入境和文件要求,包括但不限于有效的签证和护照。All Guests must have valid government issued citizenship documentation in order to sail, which may include valid original passports and/or necessary visas. Those without proper citizenship documentation will be denied embarkation. Disney Cruise Line strongly encourages Guests of all ages to have a valid passport for all cruises.
Guests are solely responsible for checking and meeting the entry and documentation requirements of each country and port of call on their itinerary, including, but not limited to, valid visas and passports.
乘客必须遵守所有船上政策,这些政策可能随时更改,恕不另行通知。访问 www.disneycruise.com 了解最新信息Guests must comply with all onboard policies, which are subject to change at any time, without notice. Visit www.disneycruise.com for the latest information
酒精饮料政策 Alcohol Policy
对于从悉尼、墨尔本、奥克兰、布里斯班和新加坡出发的往返邮轮,年满 18 周岁的乘客可在行程开始时携带两瓶未开封的葡萄酒或香槟(不超过 750 毫升)或六瓶啤酒(不超过 12 盎司)航程和每个停靠港。对于所有其他游轮,乘客必须年满 21 岁。For round-trip cruises from Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, Brisbane and Singapore, Guests 18 years and older may bring two bottles of unopened wine or champagne (no larger than 750ml) or six beers (no larger than 12oz) at the beginning of the voyage and at each port-of-call. For all other cruises, Guests must be 21 years and older.
所有带上飞机的葡萄酒/香槟和啤酒必须由专人携带通过安检程序。托运行李中的任何酒精饮料将被移除且不会退回,且不会提供任何赔偿。游轮开始时,乘客不得携带酒类或烈酒(包括酒精粉)上船。在停靠港购买的任何酒类或烈酒都将被储存到航程结束为止。乘客必须在航程结束时取回所有储存的酒精饮料。航行结束时未取回的物品将被丢弃,并且不会提供任何补偿。All wine/champagne and beer brought onboard must be hand carried through the security process. Any alcohol packed in checked luggage will be removed and not returned, and no compensation will be offered. Guests are not allowed to bring liquors or spirits (including powdered alcohol) onboard at the start of the cruise. Any liquors or spirits purchased in ports of call will be stored until the end of the cruise. Guest must retrieve any stored alcohol at the end of the cruise. Items not retrieved at end of the cruise will be discarded and no compensation will be offered.
贵重物品和武器或其他危险/非法物品 Valuables and Weapons or Other Dangerous/Illegal Articles
客人应将现金、有价证券或其他金融工具、黄金、银器、珠宝、装饰品、艺术品、摄影/视频/音频设备或用品、笔记本电脑、手机或其他贵重物品保留在个人控制之下。迪士尼游轮公司提供室内保险箱,为客人提供方便;室内保险箱内存放的物品不应被视为已存放在船长或其他指定代表处。武器、爆炸物、液氧、可燃物质或非处方管制物质等危险或非法物品不得带入华特迪士尼世界®度假区或带上船。任何此类物品均应在登船时交给船长,并可由船长自行决定处置。Guests should retain valuables such as cash, negotiable securities or other financial instruments, gold, silverware, jewelry, ornaments, works of art, photographic/video/audio equipment or supplies, laptop computers, cellular phones or other valuables in their personal control. Disney Cruise Line provides an in-room safe for Guest convenience; storage of items in the in-room safe shall not be deemed to have been deposited with the Master or other designated representative. Dangerous or illegal articles such as weapons, explosives, liquid oxygen, combustible substances or nonprescription controlled substances may not be brought to Walt Disney World® Resort or taken aboard the ship. Any such items shall be surrendered to the Master of the ship at embarkation, and may be disposed of at the sole discretion of the Master.
禁止活动 Prohibited Activities
不允许进行未经授权的商业活动或任何类型的商品和服务招揽。除非迪士尼游轮公司事先授权,否则禁止出于商业目的进行任何形式的摄影、录像或录音。乘客不得在船舶的任何部分(包括客舱阳台)悬挂、附着或以其他方式展示任何旗帜、横幅或标志。No unauthorized commercial activity or solicitation of goods and services of any kind is allowed. Photography, videotaping or recording of any kind for commercial purposes is prohibited unless authorized by Disney Cruise Line in advance. Guests may not hang, attach or otherwise display any flag, banner or sign from any part of the ship, including stateroom verandahs.
吸烟/禁烟政策 Smoking/Nonsmoking Policy
为了让客人感到舒适和享受,迪士尼游轮公司的船舶主要被指定为无烟船舶。为了提供令吸烟者满意的船上氛围,每艘船上的部分露天甲板都被指定为吸烟区。所有其他区域均禁止吸烟,包括客舱和私人阳台。被发现在客舱或阳台吸烟的客人将被罚款 250 美元,这笔费用将计入他们的账单中。所有客人必须遵守禁烟区规定,不得在任何公共区域吸烟和/或雪茄。这些要求都是为了给大家提供一个舒适的船上生活氛围。For the comfort and enjoyment of our Guests, Disney Cruise Line ships have been primarily designated as non-smoking ships. To provide an onboard atmosphere that also satisfies smokers, portions of open-air decks on each ship are designated as smoking areas. Smoking is prohibited in all other areas, including Guest staterooms and private verandahs. Guests who are found smoking in their staterooms or on their verandahs will be charged USD $250, which will be added to their folio. All Guests must observe the nonsmoking areas and refrain from smoking pipes and/or cigars in any of the public areas. These requests are to provide a comfortable shipboard living atmosphere for everyone.
易腐烂物品 Perishables
除非需要用于药物、婴儿食品或与饮食限制相关的物品,否则不允许使用冷却器。装有个人物品(例如苏打水或零食)的冷藏箱不得带上飞机。自制、预煮或其他易腐烂物品以及任何打开的零食容器不得带上飞机。很遗憾,我们无法在船上为个人食品或饮料提供食品准备、冷藏或储存服务。Coolers are not permitted except if needed for medications, baby food or items related to dietary constraints. Coolers containing personal items (e.g., soda or snacks) may NOT be brought on board. Homemade, pre-cooked or other perishable items plus any open snack containers will not be allowed to be brought on board. We regret that we are unable to provide food preparation, refrigeration or storage on board for personal food or beverage items.
婴儿泳池政策 Infant Pool Policy
为了乘客的健康和安全,家长必须遵守美国公共卫生服务和/或其他适用的公共卫生机构的要求,仅允许接受过如厕训练的儿童进入船上游泳池和水疗中心。不允许使用尿布和游泳尿布。然而,未受过如厕训练的幼儿也可以享受我们专为穿着游泳尿布的儿童设计的水上游乐区和戏水区。For the health and safety of our Guests, parents must observe U.S. Public Health Service and/or other applicable public health authority requirements by allowing only children who are toilet trained to enter shipboard pools and spas. Diapers and swim diapers are not allowed. However, young children who are not toilet trained are welcome to enjoy our water play areas and splash zones designed exclusively for the enjoyment of children wearing swim diapers.
迪士尼游轮公司提供无障碍客舱和套房,专为残障人士配备。特点包括:倾斜的浴室门槛、开放式床架、浴室/床头柜中增加的电话、浴室和淋浴扶手、折叠式淋浴座椅、手持淋浴喷头以及降低的毛巾和衣柜杆。注意:在整个巡游期间需要使用轮椅的乘客必须在巡游前做好使用轮椅的准备。Disney Cruise Line offers accessible staterooms and suites, equipped for Guests with disabilities. Features include: ramped bathroom thresholds, open bed frames, added phones in the bathroom/nightstand, bathroom and shower handrails, fold-down shower seats, handheld shower heads, and lowered towel and closet bars. Note: Guests requiring a wheelchair throughout their cruise must make provisions prior to the cruise for the use of that wheelchair.
我们的功能池之一提供了传输层。灯塔角的迪士尼漂流岛 (Disney Castaway Cay) 和迪士尼瞭望岛 (Disney's Lookout Cay) 提供沙轮椅。船上公共区域设有适合轮椅使用者的卫生间。主要剧院均设有辅助听力系统。客舱电视和部分机载视频监视器可提供隐藏式字幕。指定巡游日期的现场表演提供手语翻译。客舱通信套件包含敲门和电话警报、电话放大器、摇床通知、频闪灯烟雾探测器和文本打字机 (TTY)。Transfer tiers are provided at one of our feature pools. Sand wheelchairs are available at Disney Castaway Cay and Disney’s Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point. Wheelchair-accessible restrooms are available in the shipboard common areas. Assistive Listening Systems are available in the main theaters. Closed captioning is available for stateroom televisions and select onboard video monitors. Sign language interpretation is available for live performances on designated cruise dates. Stateroom Communication Kits containing door knock and phone alerts, phone amplifier, bed shaker notification, a strobe light smoke detector, and a Text Typewriter (TTY) are available.
如果您想获得更多信息或要求为残疾客人提供住宿,请在预订时与预订人员讨论您的需求。您还可以访问 www.disneycruise.com,了解有关为残障乘客提供的服务的更多信息。If you would like to receive additional information or request accommodations for Guests with disabilities, please discuss your needs with the reservation is at the time of booking. You can also visit www.disneycruise.com for more information about the services offered for Guests with disabilities.
Guests With Disabilities/Cruises Embarking in European Union and United Kingdom Ports
在适用的情况下,在欧盟或英国港口登船的乘客必须仔细阅读游轮合同中有关欧盟法规 1177/2010 的第 24 条,了解游轮的其他条件和要求。Where applicable, Guests embarking the ship in a European Union or United Kingdom port must carefully review Clause 24 of the Cruise Contract regarding EU Regulation 1177/2010 for additional conditions and requirements for the cruise.
请注意,如果乘客是“残疾人”或“行动不便人士”,可能需要在登船或下船终点站进行特殊安排、医疗设备和/或用品、或护理或协助,则必须以书面形式通知迪士尼游轮公司,在登船或离船期间或在巡航期间;有关住宿、座位或所需服务的任何具体需求;以及他们是否需要携带任何特定的医疗设备或辅助动物登机。Note that Guests must notify Disney Cruise Line in writing if they are a “Disabled Person” or “Person with Reduced Mobility” that may require special arrangements, medical equipment and/or supplies, or care or assistance at the terminal of embarkation or debarkation, during embarkation or debarkation or during the cruise; of any specific needs with regard to accommodation, seating or services required; and, whether they need to bring any specific medical equipment or assistance animals onboard.
Magical Cruise Company, Limited(以 Disney Cruise Line 名义开展业务 - 注册地址:3 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 9PE, England)和 DCL Island Development, Ltd. 均为独立实体,并且是华特迪士尼公司的间接子公司。 Magical Cruise Company, Limited 是迪士尼游轮公司游轮的运营商。 DCL Island Development, Ltd. 是迪士尼漂流岛 (Disney's Castaway Cay) 和灯塔角迪士尼瞭望岛 (Disney Lookout Cay) 设施的运营商和提供商。乘客为以下目的或由乘客做出的所有安排: (a) 空中或地面交通或旅行; (b) 岸上游览; (c) 旅游; (d) 主题公园; (e) 酒店; (f) 餐馆; (g) 其他类似的活动或服务,纯粹是为了方便客人而进行的,客人需自行承担风险,并且可能适用其他条款和条件。此类活动和服务的提供者是独立承包商,并非神奇邮轮有限公司的代理人或代表。此类活动和服务提供商的身份可根据岸上游览经理的要求提供。如果套餐的任何部分(例如航空运输或酒店)由第三方旅行供应商或通过预订服务履行,预订套餐即表示您了解迪士尼可能会向第三方提供个人信息,但须遵守第三方的规定- 与您的预订相关的一方自己的隐私政策。Magical Cruise Company, Limited (doing business as Disney Cruise Line - Registered Office: 3 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 9PE, England) and DCL Island Development, Ltd. are each separate entities and are indirect subsidiaries of The Walt Disney Company. Magical Cruise Company, Limited is the operator of the Disney Cruise Line cruise ships. DCL Island Development, Ltd. is the operator and provider of facilities on Disney's Castaway Cay and Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point. All arrangements made for or by Guests for: (a) air or ground transportation or travel; (b) shore excursions; (c) tours; (d) theme parks; (e) hotels; (f) restaurants; or (g) other similar activities or services, are made solely for Guests' convenience and are at Guests' risk and additional terms and conditions may apply. The providers of such activities and services are independent contractors and are not acting as agents or representatives of Magical Cruise Company, Limited. The identity of the providers of such activities and services is available upon request from the shore excursion manager. If any portion of the package (such as air transportation or hotel) is fulfilled by a third party travel supplier or through a booking service, by booking the package, you understand that Disney may provide personal information to the third party, subject to the third-party’s own privacy policy, in connection with your reservation.
船舶登记处Ships' Registry: 巴哈马The Bahamas
Rev. September 2024 (v. 01H)
- 所有客人均应确保持有有效的旅行证件并符合签证要求。乘客有责任在出发前确保所有旅行证件和签证完好无损。所有旅行证件自启航之日起必须有至少 6 个月的有效期。All Guests shall make sure that they possess valid travel document and fulfill the visa requirements. Its passenger’s responsibility to ensure that all travel documents and visa are in order prior to departure. All traveling document must have at least 6 months validity from date of sailing.
- 迪士尼游轮公司已接受此预订,并遵守迪士尼游轮公司的条款和条件(可从指定旅行社获取),This reservation has been accepted by Disney Cruise Line subject to Disney Cruise Line’ terms and conditions which can be obtained from appointed travel agents,
- 迪士尼游轮公司办事处或迪士尼游轮公司网站 www.disneycruise.com。作为预防措施,迪士尼游轮管理层保留因公共健康风险而拒绝任何乘客通行和/或取消任何预订的权利,且不承担任何责任Disney Cruise Lines’ offices or on Disney Cruise Lines’ website at www.disneycruise.com. As a precautionary measure, management of Disney Cruises reserves the right to refuse passage and/or cancel any reservation made by any guest for public health risk without any liability whatsoever
- 天气或行程变化可能会改变此时间表。迪士尼游轮公司保留在不另行通知的情况下稍微修改行程的权利。Weather or itinerary changes may alter this schedule. Disney Cruise Line reserves the right to amend itineraries slightly without notification.
- 因不遵守出入境要求而被拒绝登机的乘客将不予退款NO REFUND will be made to passengers denied embarkation for non-compliance of immigration requirements
假期开始日期的变更或客人姓名的变更可能被视为取消。对于取消预订,支付的金额减去取消费用和其他欠款后,将立即退还。如果客人在假期开始日期之后中断或取消,则不予退款。所有适当的退款将直接退还至乘客用于支付预订费用的信用卡账户,或者,如果乘客使用第三方旅行社支付预订费用,则此类退款将通过乘客的信用卡账户退还。第三方旅行社。迪士尼游轮公司对乘客从第三方旅行社收到的退款不承担任何责任。某些旅行社可能会根据您与他们签订的合同条款和条件扣留代理取消费用。迪士尼游轮公司保留限制对预订进行任何更改的权利。所有更改均视供应情况而定。请注意,派对总体规模的更改可能会导致费率发生变化。Changes to the vacation commencement date or changes of Guest names may be considered cancellations. For cancellations, amounts paid, minus cancellation fees and other amounts owed, will be promptly refunded. No refunds will be made in the event of interruption or cancellation by the Guest after the vacation commencement date. All appropriate refunds will be made directly to the credit card account(s) used by the Guest to pay for the reservation or, if the Guest used a third party travel agent to make payment on the reservation, such refunds will be made through the Guest’s third party travel agent. Disney Cruise Line is not responsible for the receipt of refund monies by Guests from their third party travel agent. Certain travel agencies may withhold an agency cancellation fee in accordance with the terms and conditions of your contract with them. Disney Cruise Line reserves the right to restrict any changes to a reservation. All changes are subject to availability. Please note that changes made to overall party size may result in a change to the rate.
迪士尼游轮公司发放或收取的退款、积分和取消费用将以美元 (USD) 为单位。信用卡公司将根据客人的信用卡公司/银行采用的汇率将美元金额转换为当地货币。Refunds, credits and cancellation fees issued or assessed by Disney Cruise Line will be in U.S. Dollars (USD). The credit card company will proceed with the conversion of the U.S. Dollar amount to local currency, which will be calculated according to the exchange rate applied by the Guest’s credit card company/bank.
如果迪士尼游轮公司在航程开始前取消或延迟预订超过三个日历日,迪士尼游轮公司除了退还与迪士尼游轮公司取消或延迟的游轮相关的已支付款项外,不承担任何责任不抵消迪士尼游轮公司征收的取消费用。如果迪士尼游轮公司取消您的游轮或延误您的游轮超过三个日历日,并且您不接受替代游轮或选择不乘坐延误的游轮旅行,您可以通过向迪士尼游轮公司发送电子邮件来请求退款或游轮积分请发送邮件至 [email protected]。请求必须在原定航行日期后 90 天内提出,并且必须包含游轮确认副本、付款证明和金额以及取消或延误通知。所有文件均应清楚地显示游轮名称和预定航行日期。If a reservation is cancelled or delayed by more than three calendar days by Disney Cruise Line prior to commencement of the cruise, Disney Cruise Line shall have no responsibility beyond the refund of monies paid related to the cruise that was cancelled or delayed by Disney Cruise Line without offset for cancellation fees imposed by Disney Cruise Line. If Disney Cruise Line cancels your cruise or delays your cruise for more than three calendar days, and you do not accept an alternative cruise or choose not to travel on a delayed cruise, you may request a refund or a cruise credit by emailing Disney Cruise Line at [email protected]. Requests must be made within 90 days of the original scheduled sail date and must include a copy of the cruise confirmation, proof and amount of payment, and cancellation or delay notice. All documentation should clearly display the cruise ship name and scheduled date of sailing.
迪士尼游轮公司和乘客同意,在终止或取消预订需要法院命令的情况下,放弃任何适用法律的任何规定、程序和实施Disney Cruise Line and the Guest agree to waive any provisions, procedures and operation of any applicable law to the extent that a court order is required for the termination or cancellation of a reservation.
除非适用法律另有禁止,否则应适用以下费用,然后适用法律允许的最高费用。The below fees shall apply unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law and then the maximum fee allowed by law shall apply.
有限制的类别:有限制的室内、室外或阳台类别的预订不可退款且不可转让。从付款之日起,将收取 100% 的游轮取消费。CATEGORIES WITH RESTRICTIONS: Reservations for Inside, Outside or Verandah Categories with Restrictions are NONREFUNDABLE and NONTRANSFERABLE. A 100% cruise cancellation fee applies from time of payment.
所有其他类别:所有其他类别的取消费用如下所述。ALL OTHER CATEGORIES: Cancellation fees for all other categories are as set forth below.
1 至 5 晚游轮(不包括套房和礼宾舱)Cruises 1 to 5 Nights (Excluding Suites and Concierge Staterooms)
假期开始日期前的天数 费用金额
Days Prior to Vacation Commencement Date Fee Amount
90 days or more 90天或以上 每个人的订金 Deposit per Guest
89-45 days 89-45天之间 每位客人度假价格的 25%/25% of vacation price per Guest
44-30 days 44-30天之间 每位客人度假价格的 50%/50% of vacation price per Guest
29-15 days 29-15天之间 每位客人度假价格的 75%/75% of vacation price per Guest
14 days or less 14天或以内 每位客人度假价格的100%/100% of vacation price per Guest
6晚或以上的游轮(不包括套房和礼宾舱)Cruises of 6 Nights or More (Excluding Suites and Concierge Staterooms)
假期开始日期前的天数 费用金额
Days Prior to Vacation Commencement Date Fee Amount
120 days or more 120天或以上 每个人的订金 Deposit per Guest
119-56 days 119-56天之间 每位客人度假价格的 25%/25% of vacation price per Guest
55-30 days 55-30天之间 每位客人度假价格的 50%/50% of vacation price per Guest
29-15 days 29-15天之间 每位客人度假价格的 75%/75% of vacation price per Guest
14 days or less 14天或以内 每位客人度假价格的100%/100% of vacation price per Guest
1 至 5 晚游轮(套房和礼宾舱)Cruises 1 to 5 Nights (Suite and Concierge Staterooms)
假期开始日期前的天数 费用金额
Days Prior to Vacation Commencement Date Fee Amount
45 days or more 45天或以上 每位客人度假价格的 25%/25% of vacation price per Guest
44-30 days 44-30天之间 每位客人度假价格的 50%/50% of vacation price per Guest
29-15 days 29-15天之间 每位客人度假价格的 75%/75% of vacation price per Guest
14 days or less 14天或以内 每位客人度假价格的100%/100% of vacation price per Guest
Cruises 6 Nights or More (Suite and Concierge Staterooms)
假期开始日期前的天数 费用金额
Days Prior to Vacation Commencement Date Fee Amount
56 days or more 56天或以上 每位客人度假价格的 25%/25% of vacation price per Guest
55-30 days 55-30天之间 每位客人度假价格的 50%/50% of vacation price per Guest
29-15 days 29-15天之间 每位客人度假价格的 75%/75% of vacation price per Guest
14 days or less 14天或以内 每位客人度假价格的100%/100% of vacation price per Guest
如果航空运输作为套餐的一部分购买,乘客将负责支付由航空公司和/或迪士尼游轮公司收取的适用变更或取消费用。迪士尼游轮航空改签和取消费用如下。额外的航空公司改签或取消费用须遵守航空公司的条款和条件。出于任何原因取消您的游轮预订将导致与游轮相关的任何航空旅行取消,在这种情况下,将收取任何适用的取消费用或其他费用。如果乘客未在已出票的出发时间之前取消已出票的航班预订,则不允许更改,且机票没有任何价值。变更包括但不限于:出发或到达城市变更、航班时间变更、航班取消/取消、日期变更以及姓名变更/更正。If air transportation is purchased as part of the package, Guest will be responsible for applicable change or cancellation fees assessed by an airline and/or by Disney Cruise Line. Disney Cruise Line air change and cancellation fees are below. Additional airline change or cancellation fees are subject to the airline’s terms and conditions. Cancellation of your cruise booking for any reason will result in the cancellation of any air travel associated with the cruise, in which case, any applicable cancellation or other fees will be applied. No changes are permitted and airline ticket has no value if Guest has not cancelled the ticketed flight reservation prior to ticketed departure time. Changes include, but are not limited to: change of departure or arrival city, change of flight times, cancellation/removal of air, change of date, and name change/correction.
灵活的票价预订 Flexible Fare Bookings
如果预订灵活票价,机票将与您的最终游轮付款一起支付。可以进行更改和取消,并根据更改或取消的时间收取以下迪士尼游轮航空取消费用。If a flexible fare is booked, air tickets are paid with your final cruise payment. Changes and cancellations can be made and are subject to the following Disney Cruise Line air cancellation fees based on the timing of the change or cancellation.
For itineraries with all flights within the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands:
假期开始日期前的天数 费用金额
Days Prior to Vacation Commencement Date Fee Amount (USD)
56 days or more 56天或以上 每位客人美金100/$100 per Guest
55 to 30 days 55-30天之间 每位客人美金200/$200 per Guest
29 days or less 29天或以内 每位客人美金300/$300 per Guest
For itineraries with any flights outside of the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands:
假期开始日期前的天数 费用金额
Days Prior to Vacation Commencement Date Fee Amount (USD)
120 days or more 120天或以上 每位客人美金150/$150 per Guest
119 to 56 days 119-56天之间 每位客人美金300/$300 per Guest
55 days or less 55天或以内 每位客人美金500/$500 per Guest
限制票价预订Restricted Fare Bookings
如果预订限制票价,则必须在预订时全额支付机票费用,届时机票不可退款且不可转让。任何更改都将导致机票预订取消If a restricted fare is booked, air tickets must be paid in full at the time of booking at which time they are non-refundable and non-transferable. Any changes will result in a cancellation of the air booking.
如果预订酒店住宿作为套餐的一部分,宾客将负责支付迪士尼游轮公司收取的适用变更或取消费用。迪士尼游轮线酒店取消费用如下。出于任何原因取消您的游轮预订将导致与游轮相关的任何酒店住宿取消,在这种情况下,将收取任何适用的取消费用或其他费用。If a hotel stay is reserved as part of the package, Guest will be responsible for applicable change or cancellation fees assessed by Disney Cruise Line. Disney Cruise Line hotel cancellation fees are below. Cancellation of your cruise booking for any reason will result in the cancellation of any hotel stays associated with the cruise, in which case, any applicable cancellation or other fees will be applied.
华特迪士尼世界度假区酒店 Walt Disney World Resort hotels
对于 2024 日历年的酒店住宿,如果在酒店入住日期前 4 天或以内取消预订,将收取相当于一晚住宿的取消费。For hotel stays in calendar year 2024, a cancellation fee equal to one night’s stay will be assessed if the cancellation is made 4 days or less prior to the hotel check-in date.
对于 2025 年或之后的酒店住宿,如果在酒店入住日期前 7 天或以内取消预订,将收取相当于一晚住宿的取消费用。For hotel stays in calendar year 2025 or after, a cancellation fee equal to one night’s stay will be assessed for cancellations made 7 days or less prior to the hotel check-in date.
奥拉尼迪士尼度假酒店及水疗中心Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa
如果在酒店入住日期前 4 天或以内取消预订,酒店将收取相当于一晚住宿的取消费用。A cancellation fee equal to one night’s stay will be assessed for cancellations made 4 days or less prior to the hotel check-in date.
所有其他酒店 All Other Hotels
如果在以下情况下取消预订,迪士尼游轮公司将收取相当于预订所有晚间酒店总费用的取消费: (a) 对于位于奥兰多的酒店,在入住日期前 4 天或以内取消预订; (b) 所有其他酒店的酒店入住日期前 14 天或更短时间。A cancellation fee in the amount of the total hotel cost for all nights reserved will be assessed by Disney Cruise Line if the reservation is cancelled: (a) 4 days or less prior to the hotel check-in date for hotels located in Orlando; or (b) 14 days or less prior to the hotel check-in date for all other hotels.
如果在抵达日期前 7 天或以内取消地面交通,则需支付相当于地面交通总费用的取消费A cancellation fee in the amount of the total cost of Ground Transfers will be assessed if Ground Transfers are cancelled 7 days or less prior to arrival date.
更改预订可能会导致按每位客人收取服务费。请咨询您的旅行社或迪士尼游轮公司了解更多详情。Changes to a reservation may result in a per Guest service fee. Please consult your travel agent or Disney Cruise Line for further details.
假期开始日期的变更或客人姓名的变更可能被视为取消。对于取消预订,支付的金额减去取消费用和其他欠款后,将立即退还。如果客人在假期开始日期之后中断或取消,则不予退款。所有适当的退款将直接退还至乘客用于支付预订费用的信用卡账户,或者,如果乘客使用第三方旅行社支付预订费用,则此类退款将通过乘客的信用卡账户退还。第三方旅行社。迪士尼游轮公司对乘客从第三方旅行社收到的退款不承担任何责任。某些旅行社可能会根据您与他们签订的合同条款和条件扣留代理取消费用。迪士尼游轮公司保留限制对预订进行任何更改的权利。所有更改均视供应情况而定。请注意,派对总体规模的更改可能会导致费率发生变化。Changes to the vacation commencement date or changes of Guest names may be considered cancellations. For cancellations, amounts paid, minus cancellation fees and other amounts owed, will be promptly refunded. No refunds will be made in the event of interruption or cancellation by the Guest after the vacation commencement date. All appropriate refunds will be made directly to the credit card account(s) used by the Guest to pay for the reservation or, if the Guest used a third party travel agent to make payment on the reservation, such refunds will be made through the Guest’s third party travel agent. Disney Cruise Line is not responsible for the receipt of refund monies by Guests from their third party travel agent. Certain travel agencies may withhold an agency cancellation fee in accordance with the terms and conditions of your contract with them. Disney Cruise Line reserves the right to restrict any changes to a reservation. All changes are subject to availability. Please note that changes made to overall party size may result in a change to the rate.
迪士尼游轮公司发放或收取的退款、积分和取消费用将以美元 (USD) 为单位。信用卡公司将根据客人的信用卡公司/银行采用的汇率将美元金额转换为当地货币。Refunds, credits and cancellation fees issued or assessed by Disney Cruise Line will be in U.S. Dollars (USD). The credit card company will proceed with the conversion of the U.S. Dollar amount to local currency, which will be calculated according to the exchange rate applied by the Guest’s credit card company/bank.
如果迪士尼游轮公司在航程开始前取消或延迟预订超过三个日历日,迪士尼游轮公司除了退还与迪士尼游轮公司取消或延迟的游轮相关的已支付款项外,不承担任何责任不抵消迪士尼游轮公司征收的取消费用。如果迪士尼游轮公司取消您的游轮或延误您的游轮超过三个日历日,并且您不接受替代游轮或选择不乘坐延误的游轮旅行,您可以通过向迪士尼游轮公司发送电子邮件来请求退款或游轮积分请发送邮件至 [email protected]。请求必须在原定航行日期后 90 天内提出,并且必须包含游轮确认副本、付款证明和金额以及取消或延误通知。所有文件均应清楚地显示游轮名称和预定航行日期。If a reservation is cancelled or delayed by more than three calendar days by Disney Cruise Line prior to commencement of the cruise, Disney Cruise Line shall have no responsibility beyond the refund of monies paid related to the cruise that was cancelled or delayed by Disney Cruise Line without offset for cancellation fees imposed by Disney Cruise Line. If Disney Cruise Line cancels your cruise or delays your cruise for more than three calendar days, and you do not accept an alternative cruise or choose not to travel on a delayed cruise, you may request a refund or a cruise credit by emailing Disney Cruise Line at [email protected]. Requests must be made within 90 days of the original scheduled sail date and must include a copy of the cruise confirmation, proof and amount of payment, and cancellation or delay notice. All documentation should clearly display the cruise ship name and scheduled date of sailing.
迪士尼游轮公司和乘客同意,在终止或取消预订需要法院命令的情况下,放弃任何适用法律的任何规定、程序和实施Disney Cruise Line and the Guest agree to waive any provisions, procedures and operation of any applicable law to the extent that a court order is required for the termination or cancellation of a reservation.
除非适用法律另有禁止,否则应适用以下费用,然后适用法律允许的最高费用。The below fees shall apply unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law and then the maximum fee allowed by law shall apply.
有限制的类别:有限制的室内、室外或阳台类别的预订不可退款且不可转让。从付款之日起,将收取 100% 的游轮取消费。CATEGORIES WITH RESTRICTIONS: Reservations for Inside, Outside or Verandah Categories with Restrictions are NONREFUNDABLE and NONTRANSFERABLE. A 100% cruise cancellation fee applies from time of payment.
所有其他类别:所有其他类别的取消费用如下所述。ALL OTHER CATEGORIES: Cancellation fees for all other categories are as set forth below.
1 至 5 晚游轮(不包括套房和礼宾舱)Cruises 1 to 5 Nights (Excluding Suites and Concierge Staterooms)
假期开始日期前的天数 费用金额
Days Prior to Vacation Commencement Date Fee Amount
90 days or more 90天或以上 每个人的订金 Deposit per Guest
89-45 days 89-45天之间 每位客人度假价格的 25%/25% of vacation price per Guest
44-30 days 44-30天之间 每位客人度假价格的 50%/50% of vacation price per Guest
29-15 days 29-15天之间 每位客人度假价格的 75%/75% of vacation price per Guest
14 days or less 14天或以内 每位客人度假价格的100%/100% of vacation price per Guest
6晚或以上的游轮(不包括套房和礼宾舱)Cruises of 6 Nights or More (Excluding Suites and Concierge Staterooms)
假期开始日期前的天数 费用金额
Days Prior to Vacation Commencement Date Fee Amount
120 days or more 120天或以上 每个人的订金 Deposit per Guest
119-56 days 119-56天之间 每位客人度假价格的 25%/25% of vacation price per Guest
55-30 days 55-30天之间 每位客人度假价格的 50%/50% of vacation price per Guest
29-15 days 29-15天之间 每位客人度假价格的 75%/75% of vacation price per Guest
14 days or less 14天或以内 每位客人度假价格的100%/100% of vacation price per Guest
1 至 5 晚游轮(套房和礼宾舱)Cruises 1 to 5 Nights (Suite and Concierge Staterooms)
假期开始日期前的天数 费用金额
Days Prior to Vacation Commencement Date Fee Amount
45 days or more 45天或以上 每位客人度假价格的 25%/25% of vacation price per Guest
44-30 days 44-30天之间 每位客人度假价格的 50%/50% of vacation price per Guest
29-15 days 29-15天之间 每位客人度假价格的 75%/75% of vacation price per Guest
14 days or less 14天或以内 每位客人度假价格的100%/100% of vacation price per Guest
Cruises 6 Nights or More (Suite and Concierge Staterooms)
假期开始日期前的天数 费用金额
Days Prior to Vacation Commencement Date Fee Amount
56 days or more 56天或以上 每位客人度假价格的 25%/25% of vacation price per Guest
55-30 days 55-30天之间 每位客人度假价格的 50%/50% of vacation price per Guest
29-15 days 29-15天之间 每位客人度假价格的 75%/75% of vacation price per Guest
14 days or less 14天或以内 每位客人度假价格的100%/100% of vacation price per Guest
如果航空运输作为套餐的一部分购买,乘客将负责支付由航空公司和/或迪士尼游轮公司收取的适用变更或取消费用。迪士尼游轮航空改签和取消费用如下。额外的航空公司改签或取消费用须遵守航空公司的条款和条件。出于任何原因取消您的游轮预订将导致与游轮相关的任何航空旅行取消,在这种情况下,将收取任何适用的取消费用或其他费用。如果乘客未在已出票的出发时间之前取消已出票的航班预订,则不允许更改,且机票没有任何价值。变更包括但不限于:出发或到达城市变更、航班时间变更、航班取消/取消、日期变更以及姓名变更/更正。If air transportation is purchased as part of the package, Guest will be responsible for applicable change or cancellation fees assessed by an airline and/or by Disney Cruise Line. Disney Cruise Line air change and cancellation fees are below. Additional airline change or cancellation fees are subject to the airline’s terms and conditions. Cancellation of your cruise booking for any reason will result in the cancellation of any air travel associated with the cruise, in which case, any applicable cancellation or other fees will be applied. No changes are permitted and airline ticket has no value if Guest has not cancelled the ticketed flight reservation prior to ticketed departure time. Changes include, but are not limited to: change of departure or arrival city, change of flight times, cancellation/removal of air, change of date, and name change/correction.
灵活的票价预订 Flexible Fare Bookings
如果预订灵活票价,机票将与您的最终游轮付款一起支付。可以进行更改和取消,并根据更改或取消的时间收取以下迪士尼游轮航空取消费用。If a flexible fare is booked, air tickets are paid with your final cruise payment. Changes and cancellations can be made and are subject to the following Disney Cruise Line air cancellation fees based on the timing of the change or cancellation.
For itineraries with all flights within the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands:
假期开始日期前的天数 费用金额
Days Prior to Vacation Commencement Date Fee Amount (USD)
56 days or more 56天或以上 每位客人美金100/$100 per Guest
55 to 30 days 55-30天之间 每位客人美金200/$200 per Guest
29 days or less 29天或以内 每位客人美金300/$300 per Guest
For itineraries with any flights outside of the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands:
假期开始日期前的天数 费用金额
Days Prior to Vacation Commencement Date Fee Amount (USD)
120 days or more 120天或以上 每位客人美金150/$150 per Guest
119 to 56 days 119-56天之间 每位客人美金300/$300 per Guest
55 days or less 55天或以内 每位客人美金500/$500 per Guest
限制票价预订Restricted Fare Bookings
如果预订限制票价,则必须在预订时全额支付机票费用,届时机票不可退款且不可转让。任何更改都将导致机票预订取消If a restricted fare is booked, air tickets must be paid in full at the time of booking at which time they are non-refundable and non-transferable. Any changes will result in a cancellation of the air booking.
如果预订酒店住宿作为套餐的一部分,宾客将负责支付迪士尼游轮公司收取的适用变更或取消费用。迪士尼游轮线酒店取消费用如下。出于任何原因取消您的游轮预订将导致与游轮相关的任何酒店住宿取消,在这种情况下,将收取任何适用的取消费用或其他费用。If a hotel stay is reserved as part of the package, Guest will be responsible for applicable change or cancellation fees assessed by Disney Cruise Line. Disney Cruise Line hotel cancellation fees are below. Cancellation of your cruise booking for any reason will result in the cancellation of any hotel stays associated with the cruise, in which case, any applicable cancellation or other fees will be applied.
华特迪士尼世界度假区酒店 Walt Disney World Resort hotels
对于 2024 日历年的酒店住宿,如果在酒店入住日期前 4 天或以内取消预订,将收取相当于一晚住宿的取消费。For hotel stays in calendar year 2024, a cancellation fee equal to one night’s stay will be assessed if the cancellation is made 4 days or less prior to the hotel check-in date.
对于 2025 年或之后的酒店住宿,如果在酒店入住日期前 7 天或以内取消预订,将收取相当于一晚住宿的取消费用。For hotel stays in calendar year 2025 or after, a cancellation fee equal to one night’s stay will be assessed for cancellations made 7 days or less prior to the hotel check-in date.
奥拉尼迪士尼度假酒店及水疗中心Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa
如果在酒店入住日期前 4 天或以内取消预订,酒店将收取相当于一晚住宿的取消费用。A cancellation fee equal to one night’s stay will be assessed for cancellations made 4 days or less prior to the hotel check-in date.
所有其他酒店 All Other Hotels
如果在以下情况下取消预订,迪士尼游轮公司将收取相当于预订所有晚间酒店总费用的取消费: (a) 对于位于奥兰多的酒店,在入住日期前 4 天或以内取消预订; (b) 所有其他酒店的酒店入住日期前 14 天或更短时间。A cancellation fee in the amount of the total hotel cost for all nights reserved will be assessed by Disney Cruise Line if the reservation is cancelled: (a) 4 days or less prior to the hotel check-in date for hotels located in Orlando; or (b) 14 days or less prior to the hotel check-in date for all other hotels.
如果在抵达日期前 7 天或以内取消地面交通,则需支付相当于地面交通总费用的取消费A cancellation fee in the amount of the total cost of Ground Transfers will be assessed if Ground Transfers are cancelled 7 days or less prior to arrival date.
更改预订可能会导致按每位客人收取服务费。请咨询您的旅行社或迪士尼游轮公司了解更多详情。Changes to a reservation may result in a per Guest service fee. Please consult your travel agent or Disney Cruise Line for further details.
游轮将对除套房、顶层公寓和别墅外的所有舱位类别的乘客收取每人每晚 1 美元的小费;套房、顶层公寓和别墅的客人每人每晚支付 1 美元。 2岁以下婴儿(不含2岁)免收此项费用。如果乘客未预付小费,小费将自动添加到乘客的机上账户中,并应在下船前支付
Cruises will impose a gratuity of USD per person per night on the Guests of all cabin categories except suite, penthouse and villa; and USD per person per night on the Guests of suite, penthouse and villa. Such charges will be waived for infants below 2 years old (but not include 2 years old). If the Guest has not prepaid the gratuities, the gratuities will be automatically added to the Guest’s onboard account which shall be payable prior to disembarkation
Cruises will impose a gratuity of USD per person per night on the Guests of all cabin categories except suite, penthouse and villa; and USD per person per night on the Guests of suite, penthouse and villa. Such charges will be waived for infants below 2 years old (but not include 2 years old). If the Guest has not prepaid the gratuities, the gratuities will be automatically added to the Guest’s onboard account which shall be payable prior to disembarkation
拒绝通过 - 怀孕政策 REFUSAL OF PASSAGE - Pregnancy Policy
出于安全考虑,自登船之日起已怀孕 24 周或将在邮轮期间怀孕 24 周的女性将被拒绝通过。医生的医疗声明和责任豁免均不被接受。此外,迪士尼游轮公司对任何阶段与怀孕有关的任何并发症均不承担任何责任。大多数行程中,乘坐迪士尼游轮的最低年龄为 6 个月,跨大西洋、夏威夷和巴拿马运河航线的最低年龄为 1 岁。Women who have entered their 24th week of pregnancy as of their embarkation date or who will enter their 24th week of pregnancy during the cruise will be refused passage due to safety concerns. Neither a physician's medical statement nor a waiver of liability will be accepted. In addition, Disney Cruise Line cannot be held responsible or liable for any complications relating to pregnancy at any stage. The minimum age to sail aboard Disney Cruise Line ships is 6 months of age on most itineraries, and the minimum age for Transatlantic, Hawaii, and Panama Canal itineraries is 1 year of age.
未成年人陪伴 Minor Accompany
18 岁以下的乘客(“未成年人”)必须由 18 岁或以上的乘客(“陪同成人”)陪同。陪同成人明确同意对未成年人在整个航程中的安全、行为和举止负责;对于夜间游轮,陪同成人必须与未成年人入住同一个客舱,或者与未成年人的客舱相连的客舱。陪同成人的责任包括但不限于防止未成年人购买或饮用酒精、防止未成年人在船上从事任何形式的赌博、确保遵守并防止违反任何船舶规则由未成年人承担,并赔偿承运人根据本航行合同对未成年人应付的所有责任和应付金额。如果陪同成人不是未成年人的父母或法定监护人,则需提供陪同成人和未成年人的结婚证书的核证副本,或经过公证的父母/监护人同意书,授权未成年人旅行和接受治疗紧急情况的通知必须发送给码头代表或承运人的前台官员。未能在登船时出示此类文件可能会导致拒绝登机且不提供任何退款或赔偿。乘客必须年满 18 岁才能在船上购买或饮酒或参与任何形式的赌博。
A Guest under 18 years of age (“Minor”) must be accompanied by a Guest 18 years or older (“Accompanying Adult”). The Accompanying Adult expressly agrees to be responsible for the safety, conduct and behavior of the Minor throughout the Cruise; for night Cruise, the Accompanying Adult must occupy either the same stateroom as the Minor or a stateroom connecting with the Minor’s stateroom. The Accompanying Adult’s responsibility includes, but is not limited to, preventing the purchase or consumption of alcohol by the Minor, preventing the engagement in any form of gambling on board the Vessel by the Minor, ensuring compliance with and preventing the violation of any ship rules by the Minor and indemnifying Carrier in respect of all liabilities and amounts payable in respect of the Minor in accordance with this Passage Contract. If the Accompanying Adult is not the parent or legal guardian of the Minor then either a certified copy of the marriage certificate of the Accompanying Adult and Minor or a notarized parental/guardian's consent letter that authorizes the Minor’s travel and medical treatment of the Minor in case of an emergency must be delivered either to the representative at the pier or the Front Desk Officer of the Carrier. Failure to produce such documentation at embarkation may result in boarding being denied with no refund or compensation provided. Guests must be 18 years or older to purchase or consume alcohol or to engage in any form of gambling on the Vessel.
游轮开始时年龄为 6 个月或以下的儿童将被拒绝登船,承运商对此类拒绝的任何后果不承担任何责任。某些游轮还禁止 12 个月或以下的儿童入住。乘客应在预订前咨询承运商。Children aged 6 months or less at the commencement of the Cruise will be refused permission to board the Vessel and the Carrier shall have no liability whatsoever for any consequences of such refusal. Certain Cruises also have prohibitions on children aged 12 months or less. Guest should check with the Carrier before booking.
乘搭游轮之前 - 常见问题:
1. 邮轮假期需要准备什么?
>旅行证件 请确保为您的游轮携带适当的旅行证件。
>国际邮轮 需要持有工作许可/就业准证/学生准证/移民卡,自航行之日起至少六个月有效期的国际护照。
>国内邮轮 成人正版的MyCard 孩子 – 正版Mykid 或出生证明书
2. 我的邮轮票价包括什么?
3. 我的游轮票价不包括什么?
4. 通行限制(孕妇)
只有孕妇在航行时怀孕 24 周之前才能通过。游轮开始时年龄不超过 6 个月的儿童将被拒绝登船。
5. 是否需要接种疫苗?
目前,所有乘客,无论是否接种疫苗,都可以乘坐邮轮旅行。但未接种疫苗的 13 岁及以上乘客需要在航行前 2 天内提供 RTK 测试报告。但是,客人可能希望咨询他们的医生,以确保他们的免疫记录是最新的,或者是否需要在他们的游轮行程中的那些国家/地区进行任何进一步的疫苗接种。
6. 有服饰要求吗?
商务休闲装适合大多数场合。为了您和其他客人的用餐乐趣,在高级餐厅(例如云顶梦号上的 Genting Dining Room)享用晚餐时,需要穿着优雅的休闲装。
7. 船上使用什么货币?
大多数外币均按现行汇率在船上接受。船上货币将是船舶所在母港国家/地区的货币(例如,从新加坡出发的游轮为新加坡元,从香港出发的游轮为港币)。接受大多数主要信用卡(Visa / Master / JCB / Amex / Diners)。
8. 我每次在船上消费都要付钱吗?
不,船上是无现金系统。您的门禁卡在我们的船只上用作签帐卡和客舱钥匙。 您可以在船上使用此卡订购任何餐饮和服务网点,因为我们的任何网点均不接受现金。 请确保您在卡片背面签上您的名字作为邮轮公司的证明,并在您结账时出示给他们的服务人员。 您的门禁卡有一个初始信用额度,可以通过在接待处出示您的信用卡进行验证来提高信用额度。 接受主要信用卡(Visa / Master / JCB / Amex / Diners)并有指定的限额。
9. 如何控制孩子的开支?
如果您希望限制或禁止使用您孩子的门禁卡进行购物,请在接待处对其重新编码。 否则,您的孩子可能会签收任何设施或购买的物品,而您将承担这些费用。
请立即向前台报告您的门禁卡遗失,前台将发放新的门禁卡,旧卡作废。 这将避免因丢失卡而产生的费用承担任何责任。
11. 遗失门禁卡会受到处罚吗?
12. 残障人士
为了您的舒适和方便,我们建议每位客人携带不超过一个手提箱和一件手提行李。这些物品必须能舒适地放入您的客舱,因为船舱内不会存放任何行李。您的行李总重量不得超过 30 公斤。 托运行李将在开航后 60 分钟内送至相应客舱。届时未收到行李的客人可以联系船上的礼宾部
14.1 等待值机
14.2 如何签到
14.3 行李托运
14.4 登机
15.1 美容服务
15.2 港口是否提供 Cellular@Sea 服务?
Cellular@Sea 服务将在船舶进港时自动关闭,并在船舶离海至少 12 海里时开启。当连接到 Cellular@Sea 时,GSM 电话将显示“WMS”、“CellularAtSea”、“908.18”或“Nor-18”。
Freestyle Cellular Service 丽星邮轮的客人可以在自己的手机和移动设备上拨打和接听电话、发送和接收短信、阅读电子邮件和上网冲浪,就像在船在海上时在陆地上所做的一样,这要归功于无线海事服务' Cellular@Sea 服务。只需与您的手机运营商确认您的手机将能够进行国际漫游。在海上与您的朋友和家人保持联系从未如此简单。
15.5. 我的家人可以在船上给我打电话吗?
拨“+”,然后拨国家代码、城市代码和电话号码,就像出国旅行一样。有关 Cellular@Sea 和无线海事服务的更多信息,请访问:www.wmsatsea.com
16. 儿童保育/儿童活动*
儿童保育中心在我们工作人员的照料下为年轻人提供有趣的活动。还提供象征性收费的保姆服务。 如果您的孩子大到可以照顾自己,我们有很多设施和活动可以让他们忙碌和娱乐。详情请向有关幼儿中心查询。 *设施因船而异
17. 餐饮
您可以在主要餐厅享受游轮套餐中包含的每日最多 6 餐,这是云顶梦号丽都餐厅完全认证的“清真”餐厅。进入任何餐厅时请出示您的门禁卡以供验证。 我们的餐厅设有充足的座位,可在用餐期间容纳所有客人。但是,为避免充血,您可能希望在用餐期间早点或晚点进食。如果您将自己的酒精饮料带到任何一家餐厅,将收取象征性的开瓶费。
18. 电源插座*
机舱内的电源插座提供 110V 或 220V 电源,带有 2 针和 3 针插座。浴室电源插座提供 110V 和 220V 电源,客房部提供旅行适配器。 *电源插座因船而异。
19. 娱乐
船上提供各种娱乐活动,包括激动人心的现场歌舞表演、迪斯科舞厅、卡拉 OK 和纸牌室、视频游戏、有组织的活动和甲板游戏。
20. 晚餐
21. 语言
Onboard Cruise 会说多种语言的船员来自 40 多个国家,他们都会说英语。但是您几乎肯定会找到一个非常乐意用您的母语与您聊天的人。
22. 洗衣房
23. 医疗设施
24. 娱乐
25. 保险箱
26. 船上购物
您可以在 Ports O’Call* 和 Duty Free Boutique* 等商店购买大部分商品,从奢侈品免税商品和纪念品到防晒霜和洗浴用品等日常用品。 *出口可能因船只而异
27. 岸上游览
接待处或我们的岸上游览柜台的游轮船员将很乐意解释每个停靠港口的不同选择。您可以参加我们预先安排的旅行之一,也可以选择自由自在。由于每次旅行的座位有限,最好提前预订您的岸上游览 对于岸上游览,建议穿着休闲装和舒适的步行鞋或凉鞋,而合适的沙滩装是岛屿游览的理想选择。 (轻薄的沙滩装在穆斯林国家是不合适的)。如果您打算打高尔夫球、打网球或锻炼身体,请带上运动服或健身服。然而,在岸上访问期间,明智的做法是避免饮用自来水或街头小贩的加冰饮料。
29. Star Navigator
Star Navigator 是一份每日公告,带您了解船上的娱乐、餐饮和其他活动。
30. 游泳池
出于安全原因,请不要让您的孩子无人看管,建议客人在游泳时采取额外的预防措施。池畔提供毛巾,请勿从客舱带走。 游泳池和按摩浴缸仅供成人和 12 岁以上的青少年使用,某些船只上还设有儿童游泳池和按摩浴缸。游泳池和按摩浴缸的所有使用者都必须穿着合适的泳装。
31. 小费
32. 电话/传真/电子邮件
使用卫星网络进行电话和传真服务或电子邮件需要付费。您可以从接待处打电话或直接从您的客舱拨号。所有小木屋都有说明。 或者,您可以联系邮轮运营商寻求帮助。
33. 水
34. 账单结算/快速结账
我们建议您在前一天晚上或至少在下船前三小时结清您的账户 或者,您可以选择“快速退房”,填写必要的表格并在航行期间将其交给接待处,以便将明细账单发送至机舱。 鼓励巡洋舰使用此设施以实现无忧下船
35. 护照领取
您可以出示您的门禁卡/政府照片身份证领取您的护照。如果您想代您的家人和朋友领取护照,您需要有他们的 Access Card。持有自己的护照或身份证件且无法签名的儿童必须由其监护人/父母陪同。 收集时间和地点的详细信息将打印在每个客舱或接待处的 Star Navigator 中。详情请参考。
36. 行李协助
如果您在从船上卸下行李时需要帮助,请按照将放置在您的客舱内的下船通知中的建议,将您的行李放在客舱门外的行李标签上清楚地写明姓名。 您的行李将被收集并送到相应下船港的行李提取区。 为了让您尽可能顺利地下船,客人将以交错的方式被引导离开。 请在您指定的等候区集合,等待轮到您下船。
马来西亚 巴生港邮轮码头 Cruise Terminal, 42009 Pelabuhan Klang, 雪兰莪
新加坡 新加坡码头 滨海湾邮轮中心, 61 Marina Coastal Dr, Singapore 018947
这包括关于在不太可能发生的紧急情况下您应该遵循的安全设备、指南和程序的一般简报。请注意,船上不允许使用加热元件、电炉和电熨斗。集合点是在紧急情况下您应该前往的集合点。请在您的船舱内领取救生衣,然后前往您的集合站。 它的位置可以在您的 Access 上找到,并且在您的机舱门后面还有一个标志,向您显示前往 Mustar 车站的方向
Forward (FWD):船的前部
**请注意集合时间不是您的出发时间。根据招标操作和船只的可用性,可能需要等待大约 15-20 分钟。
所有客人必须在游轮出发前 2 小时返回
1. 邮轮假期需要准备什么?
>旅行证件 请确保为您的游轮携带适当的旅行证件。
>国际邮轮 需要持有工作许可/就业准证/学生准证/移民卡,自航行之日起至少六个月有效期的国际护照。
>国内邮轮 成人正版的MyCard 孩子 – 正版Mykid 或出生证明书
2. 我的邮轮票价包括什么?
3. 我的游轮票价不包括什么?
4. 通行限制(孕妇)
只有孕妇在航行时怀孕 24 周之前才能通过。游轮开始时年龄不超过 6 个月的儿童将被拒绝登船。
5. 是否需要接种疫苗?
目前,所有乘客,无论是否接种疫苗,都可以乘坐邮轮旅行。但未接种疫苗的 13 岁及以上乘客需要在航行前 2 天内提供 RTK 测试报告。但是,客人可能希望咨询他们的医生,以确保他们的免疫记录是最新的,或者是否需要在他们的游轮行程中的那些国家/地区进行任何进一步的疫苗接种。
6. 有服饰要求吗?
商务休闲装适合大多数场合。为了您和其他客人的用餐乐趣,在高级餐厅(例如云顶梦号上的 Genting Dining Room)享用晚餐时,需要穿着优雅的休闲装。
7. 船上使用什么货币?
大多数外币均按现行汇率在船上接受。船上货币将是船舶所在母港国家/地区的货币(例如,从新加坡出发的游轮为新加坡元,从香港出发的游轮为港币)。接受大多数主要信用卡(Visa / Master / JCB / Amex / Diners)。
8. 我每次在船上消费都要付钱吗?
不,船上是无现金系统。您的门禁卡在我们的船只上用作签帐卡和客舱钥匙。 您可以在船上使用此卡订购任何餐饮和服务网点,因为我们的任何网点均不接受现金。 请确保您在卡片背面签上您的名字作为邮轮公司的证明,并在您结账时出示给他们的服务人员。 您的门禁卡有一个初始信用额度,可以通过在接待处出示您的信用卡进行验证来提高信用额度。 接受主要信用卡(Visa / Master / JCB / Amex / Diners)并有指定的限额。
9. 如何控制孩子的开支?
如果您希望限制或禁止使用您孩子的门禁卡进行购物,请在接待处对其重新编码。 否则,您的孩子可能会签收任何设施或购买的物品,而您将承担这些费用。
请立即向前台报告您的门禁卡遗失,前台将发放新的门禁卡,旧卡作废。 这将避免因丢失卡而产生的费用承担任何责任。
11. 遗失门禁卡会受到处罚吗?
12. 残障人士
为了您的舒适和方便,我们建议每位客人携带不超过一个手提箱和一件手提行李。这些物品必须能舒适地放入您的客舱,因为船舱内不会存放任何行李。您的行李总重量不得超过 30 公斤。 托运行李将在开航后 60 分钟内送至相应客舱。届时未收到行李的客人可以联系船上的礼宾部
14.1 等待值机
14.2 如何签到
14.3 行李托运
14.4 登机
15.1 美容服务
15.2 港口是否提供 Cellular@Sea 服务?
Cellular@Sea 服务将在船舶进港时自动关闭,并在船舶离海至少 12 海里时开启。当连接到 Cellular@Sea 时,GSM 电话将显示“WMS”、“CellularAtSea”、“908.18”或“Nor-18”。
Freestyle Cellular Service 丽星邮轮的客人可以在自己的手机和移动设备上拨打和接听电话、发送和接收短信、阅读电子邮件和上网冲浪,就像在船在海上时在陆地上所做的一样,这要归功于无线海事服务' Cellular@Sea 服务。只需与您的手机运营商确认您的手机将能够进行国际漫游。在海上与您的朋友和家人保持联系从未如此简单。
15.5. 我的家人可以在船上给我打电话吗?
拨“+”,然后拨国家代码、城市代码和电话号码,就像出国旅行一样。有关 Cellular@Sea 和无线海事服务的更多信息,请访问:www.wmsatsea.com
16. 儿童保育/儿童活动*
儿童保育中心在我们工作人员的照料下为年轻人提供有趣的活动。还提供象征性收费的保姆服务。 如果您的孩子大到可以照顾自己,我们有很多设施和活动可以让他们忙碌和娱乐。详情请向有关幼儿中心查询。 *设施因船而异
17. 餐饮
您可以在主要餐厅享受游轮套餐中包含的每日最多 6 餐,这是云顶梦号丽都餐厅完全认证的“清真”餐厅。进入任何餐厅时请出示您的门禁卡以供验证。 我们的餐厅设有充足的座位,可在用餐期间容纳所有客人。但是,为避免充血,您可能希望在用餐期间早点或晚点进食。如果您将自己的酒精饮料带到任何一家餐厅,将收取象征性的开瓶费。
18. 电源插座*
机舱内的电源插座提供 110V 或 220V 电源,带有 2 针和 3 针插座。浴室电源插座提供 110V 和 220V 电源,客房部提供旅行适配器。 *电源插座因船而异。
19. 娱乐
船上提供各种娱乐活动,包括激动人心的现场歌舞表演、迪斯科舞厅、卡拉 OK 和纸牌室、视频游戏、有组织的活动和甲板游戏。
20. 晚餐
21. 语言
Onboard Cruise 会说多种语言的船员来自 40 多个国家,他们都会说英语。但是您几乎肯定会找到一个非常乐意用您的母语与您聊天的人。
22. 洗衣房
23. 医疗设施
24. 娱乐
25. 保险箱
26. 船上购物
您可以在 Ports O’Call* 和 Duty Free Boutique* 等商店购买大部分商品,从奢侈品免税商品和纪念品到防晒霜和洗浴用品等日常用品。 *出口可能因船只而异
27. 岸上游览
接待处或我们的岸上游览柜台的游轮船员将很乐意解释每个停靠港口的不同选择。您可以参加我们预先安排的旅行之一,也可以选择自由自在。由于每次旅行的座位有限,最好提前预订您的岸上游览 对于岸上游览,建议穿着休闲装和舒适的步行鞋或凉鞋,而合适的沙滩装是岛屿游览的理想选择。 (轻薄的沙滩装在穆斯林国家是不合适的)。如果您打算打高尔夫球、打网球或锻炼身体,请带上运动服或健身服。然而,在岸上访问期间,明智的做法是避免饮用自来水或街头小贩的加冰饮料。
29. Star Navigator
Star Navigator 是一份每日公告,带您了解船上的娱乐、餐饮和其他活动。
30. 游泳池
出于安全原因,请不要让您的孩子无人看管,建议客人在游泳时采取额外的预防措施。池畔提供毛巾,请勿从客舱带走。 游泳池和按摩浴缸仅供成人和 12 岁以上的青少年使用,某些船只上还设有儿童游泳池和按摩浴缸。游泳池和按摩浴缸的所有使用者都必须穿着合适的泳装。
31. 小费
32. 电话/传真/电子邮件
使用卫星网络进行电话和传真服务或电子邮件需要付费。您可以从接待处打电话或直接从您的客舱拨号。所有小木屋都有说明。 或者,您可以联系邮轮运营商寻求帮助。
33. 水
34. 账单结算/快速结账
我们建议您在前一天晚上或至少在下船前三小时结清您的账户 或者,您可以选择“快速退房”,填写必要的表格并在航行期间将其交给接待处,以便将明细账单发送至机舱。 鼓励巡洋舰使用此设施以实现无忧下船
35. 护照领取
您可以出示您的门禁卡/政府照片身份证领取您的护照。如果您想代您的家人和朋友领取护照,您需要有他们的 Access Card。持有自己的护照或身份证件且无法签名的儿童必须由其监护人/父母陪同。 收集时间和地点的详细信息将打印在每个客舱或接待处的 Star Navigator 中。详情请参考。
36. 行李协助
如果您在从船上卸下行李时需要帮助,请按照将放置在您的客舱内的下船通知中的建议,将您的行李放在客舱门外的行李标签上清楚地写明姓名。 您的行李将被收集并送到相应下船港的行李提取区。 为了让您尽可能顺利地下船,客人将以交错的方式被引导离开。 请在您指定的等候区集合,等待轮到您下船。
马来西亚 巴生港邮轮码头 Cruise Terminal, 42009 Pelabuhan Klang, 雪兰莪
新加坡 新加坡码头 滨海湾邮轮中心, 61 Marina Coastal Dr, Singapore 018947
这包括关于在不太可能发生的紧急情况下您应该遵循的安全设备、指南和程序的一般简报。请注意,船上不允许使用加热元件、电炉和电熨斗。集合点是在紧急情况下您应该前往的集合点。请在您的船舱内领取救生衣,然后前往您的集合站。 它的位置可以在您的 Access 上找到,并且在您的机舱门后面还有一个标志,向您显示前往 Mustar 车站的方向
Forward (FWD):船的前部
**请注意集合时间不是您的出发时间。根据招标操作和船只的可用性,可能需要等待大约 15-20 分钟。
所有客人必须在游轮出发前 2 小时返回
注明: 如果上述条款的字面解释有任何差异,所有含义最终以英文文本为准。
Remarks: If there is any discrepancy in the literal interpretation of the above provisions, the English text shall ultimately prevail for all meanings.
Remarks: If there is any discrepancy in the literal interpretation of the above provisions, the English text shall ultimately prevail for all meanings.
Images shown are illustrative of the general experiences, entertainment and venues offered on Disney cruises. The experiences, entertainment and venues on the Disney Adventure may vary and are subject to change.
Images shown are illustrative of the general experiences, entertainment and venues offered on Disney cruises. The experiences, entertainment and venues on the Disney Adventure may vary and are subject to change.